Digital Will
A smart contract written using clarity language. It allows a user to mint a digital will as a NFT. The user can add a licensed entity and beneficiary entity. The licensed entity has the authority to burn the NFT (digital will) upon the death of original owner. Once the NFT (digital will) is burnt, the funds are transferred to the beneficiary entity according to the will.
Public Functions
mint_will (beneficiary principal) (amount uint)
burn_will (owner principal)
Private Functions
does_will_exists (owner principal)
will_amount_transfer (sender principal) (recipient principal) (amount uint)
Read Only Functions
get_will_id (owner principal)
get_will_owner (will_id uint)
get_will_beneficiary (will_id uint)
get_will_amount (will_id uint)
Developed by Soban Amir