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Don't hesitate to Star ⭐️, Issue 📝, and PR 🛠️


This project uses the ToolCall feature.

It integrates a message queuing and snapshot system, offering plugin mechanisms and authentication prior to plugin execution.

The bot adheres to the Openai Format Schema. Please adapt using gateway or one-api independently.

DemoVision With VoiceCode Interpreter

🔨 Roadmap

The program has iterated to its fourth generation.

📦 Features

🍔 Login Modes

🧀 Plugin Can Do More

Sticker ConverterTimer Function(built-in)

🎬 Platform Support

PlatformSupportFile SystemRemarks
KookDoes not support triggering by reply
SlackDoes not support triggering by reply
...Create Issue/PR

📦 Quick Start

Refer to the 🧀 Deployment Document for more information.

📦 One-click Deployment

If you are using a brand-new server, you can use the following shell to automatically install this project.

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LLMKira/Openaibot/main/deploy.sh | bash

📦 Manual Installation

# Install Voice dependencies
apt install ffmpeg
# Install RabbitMQ
docker pull rabbitmq:3.10-management
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 \
  --hostname myRabbit \
  --name rabbitmq \
docker ps -l
# Install Project
git clone https://github.com/LlmKira/Openaibot/
cd Openaibot
pip install pdm
pdm install -G bot
cp .env.exp .env && nano .env
# Test
pdm run python3 start_sender.py
pdm run python3 start_receiver.py
# Host
apt install npm
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start pm2.json

Be sure to change the default password for the command, or disable open ports to prevent the database from being scanned and attacked.

🥣 Docker

Build Hub: sudoskys/llmbot

Note that if you run this project using Docker, you will start Redis, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ. But if you're running locally, just RabbitMQ

Manual Docker-compose Installation

git clone https://github.com/LlmKira/Openaibot.git
cd Openaibot
cp .env.exp .env&&nano .env
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

The Docker configuration file docker-compose.yml contains all databases. In fact, Redis and MongoDB are not required. You can remove these databases yourself and use the local file system.

Update image using docker-compose pull.

Use docker exec -it llmbot /bin/bash to view Shell in Docker, enter exit to exit.

🍪 Slash Commands

clear - Deletes chat records
login - Login to the bot
help - Displays documentation
chat - Conversation
task - Use a function to converse
ask - Disable function-based conversations
tool - Lists all functions
auth - Authorize a function
env - Environment variables of the function
learn - Learn your instructions, /learn reset to clear

💻 How to Develop Plugins?

Refer to the example plugins in the plugins directory and the 🧀 Plugin Development Document for plugin development documentation.


Hooks control the EventMessage in sender and receiver. For example, we have voice_hook in built-in hooks.

you can enable it by setting VOICE_REPLY_ME=true in .env.

# must

/env REECHO_VOICE_KEY=<key in dev.reecho.ai>
# not must

use /env VOICE_REPLY_ME=NONE to disable this env.

check the source code in llmkira/extra/voice_hook.py, learn to write your own hooks.

🧀 Sponsor


📜 Notice

This project, named OpenAiBot, signifying "Open Artificial Intelligence Robot", is not officially affiliated with OpenAI.

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