

TPI-LLM: Serving 70b-scale LLMs Efficiently on Low-resource Edge Devices

TPI-LLM (Tensor Parallelism Inference for Large Language Models) is a LLM serving system designed to bring LLM functions to low-resource edge devices. While cloud LLM services have achieved great success, privacy concerns arise and users do not want their conversations uploaded to the cloud as these conversations could involve sensitive personal information.

Our TPI-LLM system addresses the privacy issue by enabling LLM inference on edge devices with limited computing and memory resources. The system leverages multiple edge devices to perform inference through tensor parallelism, combined with a sliding window memory scheduler to reduce peak memory footprint. Currently, TPI-LLM can run Yi-34B in full precision on 4 laptops with 5GB of memory on each laptop, and run Llama 2-70B on 8 devices with 3GB of memory on each device. Furthermore, TPI-LLM has demonstrated 80%-90% less TTFT and token latency compared to Transformers, Accelerate, Galaxy, and 43%-55% less compared to llama.cpp on larger models (>13B).

<!-- | **Model (FP32)** | **Transformers** | **Accelerate** | **llama.cpp (INT4)** | **llama.cpp (INT8)** | **Transformers (with our MS)** | **TPI-LLM (Klonet, 8 devices, wire connected)** | **TPI-LLM (Home, 4 laptops, wireless connected)** | |------------------|------------------|----------------|----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | **Llama 2-3B** | 30 s/token | 16 s/token | **0.05** s/token | 0.07 s/token | 3 s/token | 2 s/token | 2 s/token | | **Llama 2-7B** | 56 s/token | 26 s/token | **0.08** s/token | 8 s/token | 8 s/token | 3 s/token | 5 s/token | | **Llama 3.1-8B** | 65 s/token | 31 s/token | **1** s/token | 11 s/token | 12 s/token | 4 s/token | 8 s/token | | **Llama 2-13B** | OOM | OOM | 10 s/token | 20 s/token | 18 s/token | **3** s/token | 9 s/token | | **Yi-34B** | OOM | OOM | 29 s/token | 51 s/token | 55 s/token | **14** s/token | 29 s/token | *Note: We set up two testbeds: the home testbed (4 laptops connected via local Wi-Fi) and the Klonet testbed (8 devices connected via a wire edge network).* *Note: Except for TPI-LLM, all other benchmarks were run on a Mac M1 laptop with 8 cores and 8GB memory.* -->

Note: Computations were in full precision on solely CPUs, except for llama.cpp, which used Apple Metal Graphics and Q8 quantization for acceleration.


Use the Source Code

  1. Clone this repo and enter the project folder.

  2. Add PYTHONPATH to .bashrc:

> vim ~/.bashrc
  1. Create a new conda environment and install dependencies:
> conda create -n tpi-llm python=3.9
> conda activate tpi-llm
(tpi-llm) > pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Pre-built Docker Image

We provide Docker images for TPI-LLM, available on Docker Hub. This is the easiest way to get started, but the container may slow down inference speed.

If the container is a master node, use docker cp <HOST_MODEL_PATH> master:/root/TPI-LLM/ to copy the pretrained model files to the container of the master node.

Build from Dockerfile

If you prefer to build the Docker image yourself, you can modify and use the provided Dockerfile in our repo.

> docker build -t tpi-llm:local .
> docker run -dit --name master tpi-llm:local

How to Use?

Download Pretrained Model Weights

To get started, you’ll need to download the pretrained model weights from Hugging Face:

Please make sure that the downloaded weight files conform to the HuggingFace format.

After downloading, save the model files in a directory of your choice, which we’ll refer to as /root/TPI-LLM/pretrained_models/Llama-2-1.1b-ft.

Run on Your Laptop

Run the example script for a trial:

> python examples/run_multiprocess.py --world_size 4 --model_type llama --model_path /root/TPI-LLM/pretrained_models/Llama-2-1.1b-ft --prompt "how are you?" --length 20 --memory_window 4

This command will run 4 processes on a single machine, creating a pseudo-distributed environment that leverages tensor parallelism for Llama inference.

First-Time Setup:

If this is your first time running the task, the master node will automatically slice the pretrained weight files. Suppose we have 4 worker nodes (including the master node), the sliced weight files should be like the following:

|- config.json
|- model-00001-of-00004.safetensors
|- model-00002-of-00004.safetensors
|- model-00003-of-00004.safetensors
|- model-00004-of-00004.safetensors
|- model.safetensors.index.json
|- ...
|- split/
|--- node_0
|--- node_1
|--- node_2
|--- node_3

Subsequent Runs:

For subsequent runs, the sliced model weight files can be reused. Or you can include the --split_bin option to re-split it.

Run on Multiple Hosts

Assume we have 2 laptops with IP addresses as follows:

IP of host 1: (master node)
IP of host 2: (worker node)

The master node is regarded as the task publisher, who initiates the prompt and display generated text to users, it also slices the pretrained weight files and serve as a file server to distribute the sliced files to other worker nodes.

Step 1: To launch the master node, run the following command on laptop 1:

# Run the master node on laptop 1 (IP:, RANK = 0)
> python examples/run_multihost.py --rank 0 --world_size 2 --master_ip --master_port=29500 --model_type llama --model_path /root/TPI-LLM/pretrained_models/Llama-2-1.1b-ft --prompt "how are you?" --length 20 --memory_window 4

NOTE: Please make sure the master node can be connected by all other nodes. The master node also participate in tensor-parallel inference.

Step 2: To launch other worker nodes, use the following command on other laptops (e.g., laptop 2):

# Run the worker node on host 2 (IP:, RANK = 1)
> python examples/run_multihost.py --rank 1 --world_size 2 --master_ip --master_port=29500 --model_type llama --model_path /root/TPI-LLM/pretrained_models/sync --memory_window 4

The worker nodes will automatically download their weight files from the master node. If you have downloaded the files before, you can use the option --force_download to force a re-download.

Other Arguments

TPI-LLM provides several optional parameters that you can customize to control various aspects of the inference process. Below is a list of these options:

--prompt""strThe input prompt.
--length20intMaximum length of the generated sequence.
--prefix""strText added prior to input for context.
--split_binFalseboolSplit the pretrained model file. (available only on the master node)
--save_dir"split"strThe directory to save split model files.
--seed42intRandom seed for reproducibility.
--file_port29600intPort number on the master node where the file server is listening on.
--force_downloadFalseboolForce worker nodes to re-download model weight slices. (available only on the non-master node)
--temperature1.0floatSampling temperature for text generation. (available only on the master node)
--k0intNumber of highest probability tokens to keep for top-k sampling. (available only on the master node)
--p0.9floatCumulative probability for nucleus sampling (top-p). (available only on the master node)
--disable_memory_scheduleFalseboolSet to True to disable memory window scheduling, this may lead to higher speed.
--memory_window2intSize of the memory window used during inference. Should be at least 2.
--torch_distFalseboolWhether to use torch.distributed.