

Retirement Notice

This project is retired and no longer maintained. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to supoprt it in a quality way and also there are number of much better camera / qr scanner libs for Android around.


Android library with simple yet powerful components for using device camera in your apps.

The library contains a set of components (views), ready to be put to your layout files in order to give developer instant access to the following features:

Library automatically uses old or new (V2) Android Camera API, depending on your OS version

The main goal of this project is to have a simple and clean components, ready to be put to an existing view hierarchy of any existing activity, fragment or just to a layout file like any other Android component such as TextView, ImageView, etc.

CAMView takes and hides all the dirty work and hacks for handling the low level routines, such as camera initialization, configuration, streaming, orientation changes, device and cameras compatibility, threading, etc, etc, etc.

Simply put the appropriate view component to your layout and your app is camera-ready.


Get It

compile ('eu.livotov.labs.android:CAMView:2.0.1@aar') {transitive=true}


Usage is very straightforward:

  1. Add the right component to your layout.xml (either in xml or programmatically at runtiume):
  1. Get the CameraLiveView or ScannerLiveView instance and start the desired camera:
  1. For barcodes recognition, set your barcode listener into the ScannerLiveView instance: setScannerViewEventListener(...)

  2. When your activity stops, do not forget to release the camera and stop all previews and working threads by calling : stopCamera() or stopScanner() on appropriate LiveCameraView or LiveScannerView instance.


More documentation will be added on release.


Contribution wanted ! Please feel free to share your bugs, feature requests and pull requests of course. The "Issues" section is waiting for you :)