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Cubism Native Samples

This is a sample implementation of an application that displays models output by Live2D Cubism Editor.

It is used in conjunction with Cubism Native Framework and Live2D Cubism Core.


Please check the license before using this SDK.


Please check the notices before using this SDK.

Compatibility with Cubism 5 new features and previous Cubism SDK versions

This SDK is compatible with Cubism 5.
For SDK compatibility with new features in Cubism 5 Editor, please refer to here.
For compatibility with previous versions of Cubism SDK, please refer to here.

Directory structure

├─ Core             # Directory containing Live2D Cubism Core
├─ Framework        # Directory containing source code for rendering and animation functions
└─ Samples
   ├─ Cocos2d-x     # Directory containing the Cocos2d-x sample project
   ├─ D3D9          # Directory containing the DirectX 9.0c sample project
   ├─ D3D11         # Directory containing the DirectX 11 sample project
   ├─ Metal         # Directory containing the Metal sample project
   ├─ OpenGL        # Directory containing the OpenGL sample project
   ├─ Vulkan        # Directory containing the Vulkan sample project
   └─ Resources     # Directory containing resources such as model files and images

Cubism Native Framework

Provides various functions for displaying and manipulating the model.

Cubism Native Framework is included as a submodule of this repository. After cloning this repository, the files will be added by cloning the submodule.

Live2D Cubism Core for Native

A library for loading the model. Live2D Cubism Core for Native is not included in this repository.

To download, please refer to this page. Copy the contents of the downloaded ZIP file to the Core directory of this repository and link it to the program.

How to build

The build method depends on the sample project. Please refer to the README.md included with each sample project.

Where to generate the sample project deliverables

In this sample, the deliverables of CMake projects except Android are generated in the bin directory.

E.g. When building a macOS project of the OpenGL sample using the make_gcc script

└─ proj.mac.cmake
   └─ build
      └─ make_gcc
         └─ bin
            └─ Demo
               ├─ Resources    # Same as Samples/Resources
               └─ Demo         # Executable applications

Compile options

If the macro USE_RENDER_TARGET or USE_MODEL_RENDER_TARGET is enabled in your project, the model will be rendered to the texture. Please refer to 'LAppLive2DManager.cpp' in the sample directory for details.

SDK manual

Cubism SDK Manual


Samples : CHANGELOG.md

Framework : CHANGELOG.md


Development environment

Development ToolVersion
Android StudioIguana 2023.2.1
Visual Studio 2013Update 5
Visual Studio 2015Update 3
Visual Studio 201715.9.60
Visual Studio 201916.11.34
Visual Studio 202217.9.4


Android SDK toolsVersion
Android NDK26.2.11394342
Android SDK34.0.0


SystemDistribution versionDocker imageGCC
Red HatAmazon Linux 2amazonlinux:27.3.1
Red HatCentOS 7centos:74.8.5
Red HatCentOS Stream 8 *1centos:latest8.5.0
Red HatCentOS Stream 9-12.2.1
Red HatAlmaLinuxalmalinux:latest11.4.1
DebianUbuntu 18.04ubuntu:
DebianUbuntu 22.04.4ubuntu:22.0411.4.0

*1 CentOS 8 is not supported

Mesa library

Operation environment

iOS / iPadOS17.4
Windows 1022H2
Windows 1122H2


13Pixel 7a
7.1.1Nexus 9✔︎


Red HatAmazon Linux2
Red HatAlmaLinux9


There are many ways to contribute to the project: logging bugs, submitting pull requests on this GitHub, and reporting issues and making suggestions in Live2D Community.

Forking And Pull Requests

We very much appreciate your pull requests, whether they bring fixes, improvements, or even new features. To keep the main repository as clean as possible, create a personal fork and feature branches there as needed.


We are regularly checking issue-reports and feature requests at Live2D Community. Before filing a bug report, please do a search in Live2D Community to see if the issue-report or feature request has already been posted. If you find your issue already exists, make relevant comments and add your reaction.


We're also interested in your feedback for the future of the SDK. You can submit a suggestion or feature request at Live2D Community. To make this process more effective, we're asking that you include more information to help define them more clearly.


If you want to suggest or ask questions about how to use the Cubism SDK between users, please use the forum.
