

Joint-task Self-supervised Learning for Temporal Correspondence

Project | Paper


Joint-task Self-supervised Learning for Temporal Correspondence

Xueting Li*, Sifei Liu*, Shalini De Mello, Xiaolong Wang, Jan Kautz, Ming-Hsuan Yang.

(* equal contributions)

In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019.


If you use our code in your research, please use the following BibTex:

    Author = {Xueting Li and Sifei Liu and Shalini De Mello and Xiaolong Wang and Jan Kautz and Ming-Hsuan Yang},
    Title = {Joint-task Self-supervised Learning for Temporal Correspondence},
    Booktitle = {NeurIPS},
    Year = {2019},

Instance segmentation propagation on DAVIS2017

<p float="left"> <img src="docs/parkour.gif" width="33%" /> <img src="docs/drift-chiance.gif" width="33%" /> <img src="docs/lab-coat.gif" width="33%" /> </p>
Ours - track0.5770.6830.2630.6130.6980.324


The code is tested in the following environment:

Testing on DAVIS2017

Testing without tracking

To test on DAVIS2017 for instance segmentation mask propagation, please run:

python test.py -d /workspace/DAVIS/ -s 480

Important parameters:

Please check the test.py file for other parameters.

Testing with tracking

To test on DAVIS2017 by tracking & propagation, please run:

python test_with_track.py -d /workspace/DAVIS/ -s 480

Similar parameters as test.py, please see the test_with_track.py for details.

Testing on the VIP dataset

To test on VIP, please run the following command with your own VIP path:

python test_mask_vip.py -o results/VIP/category/ --scale_size 560 560 --pre_num 1 -d /DATA/VIP/VIP_Fine/Images/ --val_txt /DATA/VIP/VIP_Fine/lists/val_videos.txt -c weights/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar

and then:

python eval_vip.py -g DATA/VIP/VIP_Fine/Annotations/Category_ids/ -p results/VIP/category/

Testing on the JHMDB dataset

Please check out this branch. The code is borrowed from TimeCycle.

Training on Kinetics


We use the kinetics dataset for training.

Training command

python track_match_v1.py --wepoch 10 --nepoch 30 -c match_track_switch --batchsize 40 --coord_switch 0 --lc 0.3
