

SSS - so stupid search <Primitive's command line text tool>

"so stupid search" is a tool built for himself by a programmer who believes in minimalism. He always reminds himself to cherish his time and let himself spend every minute in simplicity and happiness

「so stupid search」は、ミニマリズムを信じるプログラマーが自分のために作ったツールで、いつも自分の時間を大切にし、シンプルさと幸せに毎分費やすように心がけています。

"So stupid search"는 미니멀리즘을 믿는 프로그래머가 자신을 위해 만든 도구입니다. 그는 항상 자신의 시간을 소중히 여기고 단순함과 행복 속에 매 순간을 보내도록 자신을 상기시킵니다.

«so stupid search» - это инструмент, созданный для себя программистом, который верит в минимализм. Он всегда напоминает себе, что нужно ценить свое время и позволять себе тратить каждую минуту в простоте и счастье.

"so stupid search" är ett verktyg som byggts för sig själv av en programmerare som tror på minimalism. Han påminner sig alltid om att värna om sin tid och låta sig spendera varje minut i enkelhet och lycka.

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Farmers Market Finder Demo

English Documentation


install from source code

1.install rust toolchain

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

2.build and install in one command

cargo install --git https://github.com/Lispre/so_stupid_search.git


If you are living in SOME specifily area(China mainland), you should do as follow to build and install, because you are live behind GFW that network is ... ...

1.Download the file

git clone https://github.com/Lispre/so_stupid_search.git

2.Enter the directory contains file with name of "Cargo.toml" and Run command as blow:

cd so_stupid_search
cargo build --release

3.Then you will get the executable file "so_stupid_search/target/release/sss"

4.move the executable file sss to your $PATH directory

sudo mv ./target/release/sss /usr/local/bin/


search file system

  sss search-string start-directory

filter command pipe

  command | sss pattern-string


common search

sss "func main(" .

search specified type of file

#only search in kubernetes yaml files
sss -t yaml fuck_str .





curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


git clone https://github.com/Lispre/so_stupid_search.git


cd so_stupid_search
cargo build --release

4.获得可执行文件 "so_stupid_search/target/release/sss"

5.将sss可执行文件复制到 $PATH 变量包含的一个目录中

sudo mv ./target/release/sss /usr/local/bin/
