


This is a PyTorch implementation of the GraphMixup, and the code includes the following modules:

Main Requirements


Running the code

  1. Install the required dependency packages

  2. To get the results on a specific dataset, first run with proper hyperparameters to perform pre-training

python train.py --dataset data_name --setting pre-train

where the data_name is one of the 3 datasets (CCora, BlagCatalog, and Wiki-CS). The pre-trained model will be saved to the corresponding checkpoint folder in ./checkpoint for evaluation.

  1. To fine-tune the pre-trained model, run
python train.py --dataset data_name --setting fine-tune --load model_path

where the model_path is the path where the pre-trained model is saved.

  1. We provide five compared baselines in this code. They can be configured via the '--setting' arguments:

Use Embed-SMOTE as an example:

python train.py --dataset cora --setting embed_smote


If you find this project useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={Graphmixup: Improving class-imbalanced node classification by reinforcement mixup and self-supervised context prediction},
  author={Wu, Lirong and Xia, Jun and Gao, Zhangyang and Lin, Haitao and Tan, Cheng and Li, Stan Z},
  booktitle={Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19--23, 2022, Proceedings, Part IV},