


A plugin for adding a Linode provider.


This is a custom plugin providing a Linode provider for Terraform. This is still a work in progress. It currently only supports managing Linodes currently. In the future dns and nodebalancers will be added. It only supports a subset of the various options that Linode offers. In particular none of the alerting options are supported. They should be easy to add but will likely be tedious.



  1. Download the plugin from the releases tab Both Linux and FreeBSD binaries are available.
  2. Put it somewhere were it can permanently live, it doesn't need to be in your path.
  3. Create or modify your ~/.terraformrc file. You'll need at least this:
providers {
    linode = "terraform-provider-linode"

If you didn't add terraform-provider-linode to your path, you'll need to put the full path to the location of the plugin.


Provider Configuration


provider "linode" {
  key = "$LINODE_API_KEY"

The provider options are:

Resource Configuration


resource "linode_linode" "foobar" {
	image = "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS"
	kernel = "Latest 64 bit"
	name = "foobaz"
	group = "integration"
	region = "Dallas, TX, USA"
	size = 1024
	status = "on"
	ip_address = ""
	private_networking = true
	private_ip_address = ""
	ssh_key = "ssh-rsa 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 btobolaski@Brendans-MacBook-Pro.local"
	root_password = "terraform-test"
valueTypeForces NewValue TypeDescription
imageRequiredyesstringThe image to use when creating the linode. 1
kernelRequirednostringThe kernel to start the linode with. If you can specify "Latest 64-bit" or "Latest 32-bit" for the most recent version of either that linode provices
nameOptionalnostringThe name of the linode
groupOptionalnostringThe group of the linode
regionRequiredyesstringThe region that the linode will be created in
sizeRequiredyesintThe amount of ram in the linode plan. i.e. 1024, 2048 or 4096
ip_addressComputedn/astringThe public ip address
private_networkingOptionalsort ofboolWhether or not to enable private networking. It can be enabled on an existing linode but it can't be disabled.
private_ip_addressComputedn/astringIf private networking is enabled, it will be populated with the linode's private ip address
ssh_keyRequiredyesstringThe full text of the public key to add to the root user
root_passwordRequiredyesstringUnfortunately this is required by the linode api. You'll likely want to modify this on the server during provisioning (which won't force a new linode) and then disable password logins for ssh.
helper_distroOptionalnoboolEnable the Distro filesystem helper. Corrects fstab and inittab/upstart entries depending on the kernel you're booting. You want this unless you're providing your own kernel.
manage_private_ip_automaticallyOptionalnoboolAutomatically creates network configuration files for your distro and places them into your filesystem. Will reboot your linode when enabled.


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Use godep to get the correct versions of the dependencies, via godep get
  3. Make your changes
  4. Apply go fmt to all of the files
  5. Verify that the tests still pass
  6. Submit a pull request


If you're unfamiliar with building go or terraform plugins, please visit the following links first: https://golang.org/pkg/go/build/ https://golang.org/doc/install https://www.terraform.io/guides/writing-custom-terraform-providers.html

  1. Set up your GOPATH. A good default is $HOME/go. You can quickly set it by running export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  2. cd to your new GOPATH.
  3. Run go get github.com/LinodeContent/terraform-provider-linode
  4. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/LinodeContent/terraform-provider-linode/bin/terraform-provider-linode
  5. go build -o terraform-provider-linode (To cross-compile for freebsd, run GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 build -o terraform-provider-linode)
  6. Copy the resulting package to wherever you want on your filesystem.
  7. Follow the above instructions for using it.

If you need more information about how to install or use this plugin, do not hesitate to read this article: Using Terraform to Provision Linode Environments


  1. While these technically could be modified, it requires destroying the root volume and creating a new volume which is practically the same as creating a new instance.