

Mediapipe Handpose and Facemesh Demos

Table of Contnets

Handpose Demos

Collection of minimalistic demos/templates using mediapipe handpose with tensorflow.js. Created for and supported by the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry.

The handpose package detects hands in an input image or video stream, and returns twenty-one 3-dimensional landmarks locating features within each hand. Such landmarks include the locations of each finger joint and the palm. -- blog.tensorflow.org

There are 4 templates included in this repo, 2 of them with three.js and 2 with p5.js, 2 are multiplyer via socket.io + express, and 2 are singleplayer static sites. They're all well commented and explained for beginners.

All demos are hosted on glitch.com 🎏

Online multiplayer 3D

Live | Remix | Source

Online multiplayer 2D

Live | Remix | Source

Singleplayer 3D

Live | Remix | Source

Singleplayer 2D

Live | Remix | Source

Also available on editor.p5js.org: https://editor.p5js.org/lingdong/sketches/1viPqbRMv

4 in 1

Glued together with iframes: https://handpose-demos.glitch.me/

Facemesh Demos

Collection of minimalistic demos/templates using mediapipe facemesh with tensorflow.js. Created for and supported by the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry.

The facemesh package infers approximate 3D facial surface geometry from an image or video stream, requiring only a single camera input without the need for a depth sensor. -- blog.tensorflow.org

There are 4 templates included in this repo, 2 of them with three.js and 2 with p5.js, 2 are multiplyer via socket.io + express, and 2 are singleplayer static sites. They're all well commented and explained for beginners.

All demos are hosted on glitch.com 🎏

Keypoint Subsets

There're 3 additional keypoint subsets available in each demo to select from, as alternatives to the facemesh 468 vertices. See image below for indices and triangulation for each of them:

From left to right:

Online multiplayer 3D

Live | Remix | Source

Online multiplayer 2D

Live | Remix | Source

Singleplayer 3D

Live | Remix | Source

Singleplayer 2D

Live | Remix | Source

Also available on editor.p5js.org: https://editor.p5js.org/lingdong/sketches/ef6FB-uNq

Made at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.