

詞人 Ci-Ren

Generative Chinese poetry.


Ci-Ren is a python program for automatically generating Ci, a form of Classical Chinese Poetry.<br><br> Using the Markov chain algorithm, the program learns its grammar and vocabulary from a database of poems by Song Dynasty poets. It then generates a poem conforming to the tonal rules of Ci using Backtracking algorithm.

Example Output

蝶恋花<br> 指点绛纱窗户悄,苔院重来、只有燕娇小。光欲送将游倦鸟,杳无双鬓霜风袅。<br> 襟泪流年人窈窕,芳酒殷勤、为作新音少。愁对横江波浩渺,六千翠幕轻飞绕。<br><br> 浣溪沙<br> 正是少留残酒醒,分吴兴佐鼎调停。香红妆映烛荧荧。<br> 意气与人看鹤舞,衣香七十载刘伶。水横孤映小蜻蜓。


How to run

In terminal, type:

$ cd path/to/ci-ren
$ python main.py

or, if using pypy,

$ pypy main.py

Currently generating a poem with python takes around a minute, and with pypy around 3 seconds.
