

Glow in the Dark: Low-Light Image Enhancement with External Memory (TMM 2023)

Official Pytorch implementation of "Glow in the Dark: Low-Light Image Enhancement with External Memory" published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM).


Dongjie Ye, Zhangkai Ni,Wenhan Yang, Hanli Wang, Shiqi Wang, Sam Kwong



Requirements and Installation


(Please refer EMNet_env.yml for our operational environment.

Be aware that EMNet_env.yml includes redundant libraries. Kindly install the relevant libraries according to your needs.)

Testing (Running pretrained models)

Checkpoints trained on LOL-v1 and LOL-v2 dataset can be found from Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk (提取码:zhwy).

  1. Unzip the checkpoint file and place all the files in the ./pre_trained_logs/enhancer/ and ./pre_trained_logs/memory/ directory.
  2. Edit the test_script.sh file to modify your python path and the [--input_dir] by specifying the path to your test datasets.
  3. Excute the test script below:
    sh test_script.sh
  4. The results are displayed in the './log_eval/lolv1' and './log_eval/lolv2' directories. In the '[ori]' folder, you can find the original outputs from the image enhancer, while in the '[mem]' folder, you can find the outputs after utilizing external memory.
  5. You may also replace our image enhancer with other existing methods if desired.

Training (Training from scratch)

Beforer training the external memory, you need to train the image enhancer first.

  1. Edit the train_enhancer_script.sh file to modify your python path and the [--train_dir], [--val_dir] by specifying the path to your training datasets.
  2. Excute the training script for image enhancer below:
    sh train_enhancer_script.sh
  3. Find the trained image enhancer weight in the ./log/[env]/models/ folder.

Training the external memory requires a pre-trained image enhancer.

  1. Edit the train_memory_script.sh file to modify your python path, the [--pretrain_weights] by specifying the path to your pretrained_weights of image enhancer, and the [--train_dir], [--val_dir] by specifying the path to your training datasets.
  2. Excute the training script for external memory below:
    sh train_memory_script.sh
  3. Find the trained memory weight in the ./log/[env]/models/ folder.
  1. Edit the test_script.sh file to modify your python path, [--weights] by specifying the path to your image enhancer, [--mem_weights] by specifying the path to your external memory, and the [--input_dir] by specifying the path to your test datasets.
  2. Excute the test script below:
    sh test_script.sh
  3. The [input_dir] directory structure will be arranged as:
[your input dir]
    |- high
        |- 695.png (or alternative img formats)
        |- ...
    |- low
        |- 695.png (or alternative img files)
        |- ...


If this code is useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  author={Ye, Dongjie and Ni, Zhangkai and Yang, Wenhan and Wang, Hanli and Wang, Shiqi and Kwong, Sam},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}, 
  title={Glow in the Dark: Low-Light Image Enhancement with External Memory}, 


Thanks for your attention! If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to leave a message here or contact Dongjie Ye (dj.ye@my.cityu.edu.hk).