

Cagliostro Colab UI

All-in-One, Customizable and Flexible AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion Web UI for Google Colab. <br>

What's New?

v.3.0.0 (10/06/23)

v.2.6.2 (17/05/23)

v.2.6.1 (17/05/23)

v.2.6.0 (16/05/23)

v.2.5.3 (21/04/23)

v.2.5.2 (19/04/23)

v.2.5.1 (18/04/23)

v.2.5.0 (16/04/23)

FeatureDescriptionHow to UseExample
Multiple DownloadsDownload multiple files at once.Fill in the URL fields with the links to the files you want to download. Separate multiple URLs with a comma.url1, url2, url3
Auto-prunePrune models after downloadingAdd fp16: or fp32: before URLs.fp16:url1
Copy from Google DriveCopy models from Google Drive and load them in the session.Make sure you have already mounted Google Drive. Type the path to your model/lora/embedding from Google Drive./content/drive/MyDrive/path/to/folder
Fusing FolderFuse models/embeddings/LoRA folder to /content/fused/{category}.Make sure you have already mounted Google Drive. Add fuse: before the path to the folder.fuse:/path/to/gdrive/folder
Auto-extractExtract files after downloading.Add links/to/file ending with .zip or .tar.lz4. Extract files to specified destination directory.https//link.com/to/file
Install ExtensionsInstall extensions for Stable Diffusion Web UI.Add the link to the GitHub repository to custom_extension_url.https://github.com/user/repo

v.2.2.0 (03/04/23)

v.2.1.0 (31/03/23)

v.2.0.1 (27/03/23)

v.2.0.0 (27/03/23)

v.1.4.1 (11/03/23)

v.1.4 (09/03/23)

v.1.3 (01/03/23)

v.1.2.2 (23/02/23)

v.1.2.1 (21/02/23)