


Build Status Build status

A higher-dimensional "non-euclidean" ray tracing prototype written in Rust.

Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.


  1. Install the Rust language via Rustup
  2. Use nightly rust via rustup default nightly
  3. Clone this repository and cd into it
  4. Build with cargo build --release
  5. Run with target/release/euclider
  6. Open a scene with target/release/euclider --scene scenes/3d_room.json


3D Scenes

4D Scenes


Fresnel Sphere A simple sphere displaying Fresnel equations.

3D Room A scene containing a room with several entities. Listed from left to right:

3D Hallways A non-euclidean 3D scene consisting of hallways that either stretch the space inside (left) or shrink it (right).

4D Cylindric Hypercube Frame A frame of a 4D hypercube made of cylinders as edges. Notice how the rays on the cyan cylinder in the bottom right are reflected to the fourth dimension, revealing more of the frame.