

Wagtail Transcription

wagtail-transcription is app for Wagtail that allows to create transcriptions for YouTube videos automatically with just few clicks! To create transcription it use AssemblyAi API.


Standard Installation

pip install wagtail-transcription

Installation For Developement

If you want to install wagtail-transcription to develop it clone this repository to your project. After that run

pip install -e path_to_wagtail_transcription_core_folder

This will create folder (inside your env lib directory) with json file storing path to wagtail-transcription package. Later setps are the same.

After installation add wagtail_transcription and notifications to your installed apps: Note: Make sure that 'wagtail_transcription' is added before 'wagtail.admin'. Otherwise, administration page will not work properly



1. Run migrations

After installing wagtail-transcription and adding it to installed apps run migrations:

python manage.py migrate
2. Add wagtail-transcription urls

Add following to your project urls.py

from django.urls import include, path, re_path
from wagtail_transcription import urls as wagtail_transcription_url
import notifications.urls

urlpatterns = [
    path("wagtail_transcription/", include(wagtail_transcription_url)),
    re_path(r'^inbox/notifications/', include(notifications.urls, namespace='notifications')),

In your settigns file add 'ASSEMBLY_API_TOKEN' (to get it create Assembly Ai account)

ASSEMBLY_API_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
4. Add YouTube Data API token

In your settings file add YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY. To create one check official documentation.

YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
5. Forward your localhost (developement)

<b style="color:red;">IMPORTANT</b> After transcription process ends AssemblyAi will send request to one of wagtail-transcription views. To receive it on local server you have to forward your localhost. Best and easiest option is use tunelling service like localltunnel.


In your settings file add 'BASE_URL = "base_url"' this is used when sending webhook_url for AssemblyAi. In developement you should set it to forward url. If you use localltunnel it will be something like this 'https://your_subdomain.loca.lt'

BASE_URL = "base_url"
7. Add DOCUMENTS_GROUP (Optional)

In your settings file add 'DOCUMENTS_GROUP = True' to create menu group from wagtail documents and transcription



In model that you want to add dynamically generated transcryption

from wagtail_transcription.edit_handlers import VideoTranscriptionPanel
from wagtail_transcription.models import Transcription

class YourModel(Orderable, models.Model):
    video_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
    transcription = models.ForeignKey(

    panels = [
            VideoTranscriptionPanel('video_id', transcription_field='transcription'),
        ], heading="Video and Transcription"),

video_id field accept only youtube video id (not urls).<br/> VideoTranscriptionPanel takes five arguments:

<b style="color:red;">IMPORTANT</b> You can only generate a transcript on an existing object, if you try to do this in page creation view you will get an error.


To be more comfortable with customization checkout AssemblyAi Docs

Add custom Transcription Widget class, css and js

In your VideoTranscriptionPanel add

VideoTranscriptionPanel('video_id', transcription_field='transcription', custom_class='custom_transcription', custom_css='app_name/css/custom_transcription.css', custom_js='app_name/js/custom_transcription.js'),

Add custom RequestTranscriptionView

In your settings add

REQUEST_TRANSCRIPTION_VIEW = "app_name.module_name.YourRequestTranscriptionView"

You can easily overwrite how request to AssemblyAi is send by overwriteing request_audio_transcription method

from wagtail_transcription.views import RequestTranscriptionView
class YourRequestTranscriptionView(RequestTranscriptionView):

    def request_audio_transcription(self, audio_url, webhook_url):
		Your awesome request logic
        return response

Add custom ReceiveTranscriptionView

In your settings add

RECEIVE_TRANSCRIPTION_VIEW = "app_name.module_name.YourReceiveTranscriptionView"

Now you can easily overwrite how request with transcription is processed

from wagtail_transcription.views import ReceiveTranscriptionView

class YourReceiveTranscriptionView(ReceiveTranscriptionView):

    def process_transcription_response(self, transcription_response, 	video_id, model_instance_str, field_name, transcription_field):
        transcription_response - AssemblyAi response with transcription data 
        video_id - id of youtube video for which transcription was made
        model_instance_str - string that allow to get model instance "app:model_name:instance_id"
        field_name = name of field with video_id
        transcription_field = name of field for transcription
		Your transcription processing logic here
		super().process_transcription_response(transcription_response, 	video_id, model_instance_str, field_name, transcription_field)