


Official PyTorch Implementation of Catenary Insulator Defects Detection: A Dataset and an Unsupervised Baseline, Accepted by IEEE TIM. Framework


Catenary Insulator Defect dataset (CID): Download from [BaiDu] [Google Drive]

Statistical Overview of CID

<table> <tr> <th colspan=2></th> <th>Train</th> <th>Test_Real</th> <th>Test_Sim</th> <th>Test_All</th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=2 >Defect-free Image</th> <!-- bgcolor=#ffffcc--> <td>3900</td> <td>0</td> <td>0</td> <td>33</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan=6>Defect<br>Image</td> <td>breakage</td> <td>0</td> <td>26</td> <td>34</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <td>contamination</td> <td>0</td> <td>5</td> <td>55</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <td>crack</td> <td>0</td> <td>2</td> <td>58</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <td>dirt</td> <td>0</td> <td>54</td> <td>6</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <td>missing</td> <td>0</td> <td>0</td> <td>60</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <td>shelter</td> <td>0</td> <td>40</td> <td>20</td> <td>60</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 >Total</td> <td>3900</td> <td>160</td> <td>233</td> <td>393</td> </tr> </table>

Some Example of CID Figure

The dataset should be placed in the 'data' folder. The training dataset should only contain defect-free samples, which should be named 'good'. The test dataset should include one category named 'good' for defect-free samples, and any other subcategories of defect samples. It should be made as follows:

|---- insulator
|-----|------ ground_truth
|-----|------|------ teat_all
|-----|------|------ test_real
|-----|------|------ test_sim
|-----|------ test_all
|-----|------|------ good
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------ test_real
|-----|------|------ good
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------ test_sim
|-----|------|------ good
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------|------ ...
|-----|------ train
|-----|------|------ good


This repository is implemented and tested on Python 3.9 and PyTorch 1.10. To install requirements:

pip install-r requirements.txt


To train theMAE model, run:

python train.py --batch_size 32 --epoch 2000 --model mae_vit_base_patch16 --output_dir ./checkpoints/insulator --log_dir ./checkpoints/insulator --data_path ./data/insulator --input_size 224 --blr 5e-3 --device_select 0

To evaluate and test the model, run:

for w/o pre
python inference.py --input_size=224 --mask_size=16 --test_fold="test_all" --save_dir ./results
for w/ pre
python inference_pre.py --input_size=224 --mask_size=16 --test_fold="test_real" --save_dir ./results_pre
for upper bound
python inference_ub.py --input_size=224 --mask_size=16 --test_fold="test_sim" --save_dir ./results_ub

Before running, you can download the model checkpoints directly from [BaiDu] The checkpoints should be placed in the 'checkpoints' folder. It should be made as follows:

|---- insulator
|-----|------ 224-10.pth
|-----|------ 224-20.pth
|-----|------ 224.txt
|-----|------ ...
|-----|------ ...
|-----|------ ...


Running the code as explained in this file should achieve the following results for CID:

Defect Detection (Image AUROC, P, R, F1) and Defect Localization (Pixel AUROC, P, R, F1)

<table> <tr> <th> </th> <th>Method</th> <th>AUROC</th> <th>P</th> <th>R</th> <th>F1</th> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan=3>Image-level<br>Detection</th> <td>w/o pre</td> <td>99.21/99.48/99.39</td> <td>98.44/98.72/99.17</td> <td>99.21/99.14/99.21</td> <td>0.99/0.99/0.99</td> </tr> <td>w/ pre</td> <td>99.24/99.60/99.47</td> <td>98.44/99.14/99.44</td> <td>99.21/99.14/99.17</td> <td>0.99/0.99/0.99</td> </tr> <td>Upper Bound</td> <td>100.0/100.0/100.0</td> <td>100.0/100.0/100.0</td> <td>100.0/100.0/100.0</td> <td>1.00/1.00/1.00</td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan=3>Pixel-level<br>Localization</th> <td>w/o pre</td> <td>95.59/98.18/97.13</td> <td>58.05/66.59/63.58</td> <td>72.15/77.31/75.51</td> <td>0.63/0.70/0.68</td> </tr> <td>w/ pre</td> <td>95.70/98.29/97.37</td> <td>58.06/66.53/63.52</td> <td>71.67/77.15/75.26</td> <td>0.63/0.70/0.68</td> </tr> <td>Upper Bound</td> <td>96.94/99.49/98.59</td> <td>59.38/68.73/65.42</td> <td>75.20/79.34/77.90</td> <td>0.65/0.73/0.70</td> </tr> </table>

Visualization examples



We use some codes from repositories including MAE


This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.