

This is a OSX utility app to get all the infos about an IPA file and to resign it.

Main features:


You can open the xcode project and build it or open directly the app.


Just open the ipa file by tapping the button "Open the ipa file" or dragging it in the relative field. Then you have information about:

At the bottom you have also a console textview, you can clean it by tapping the "Clean" button. If you tap on the "?" icons near some feature, the console prints the relative informations.


Once you opened an ipa file, the console prints this message to tell that the app is ready to resign the ipa file:


Now you can decide to resign the ipa file changing some feature of it by tapping the "Resign" button:

When the resign finished successfully, the console prints the message:


Then you can:

If you loaded an ipa file, if you change some features of it then you can always tap the "Use default values" button in order to reset all the above features to the default ones. You can decide the destination ipa path where to save the resigned ipa file, the default one is Desktop.


Category of NSScrollView to access directly to the textview of the scrollview. You have two utility methods:

To append a string to the existing string value of the textview of the scrollview.

- (void)appendStringValue:(NSString*)string;

To set the string to the existing string value of the textview of the scrollview.

- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)string;

Class that handles all the IPA operations. It's a singleton so you can call it by:

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

You have a lot of public properties you can access:

// array of provisioning profiles available
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *provisioningArray;

// path of the edited normal icon (76x76 pixel)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *iconPath;

// path of the edited retina icon (152x152 pixel)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *iconRetinaPath;

// array of certificates available
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *certificatesArray;

// source ipa path
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *sourcePath;

// temp working directory
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *workingPath;

// path of the unzipped ipa (inside the workingPath)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *appPath;

// destination ipa path
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *destinationPath;

You have also a lot of public methods you can use:

// init
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

// utility
- (void)clearAll;
+ (NSString*)getDocumentFolderPath;
+ (NSString*)getDesktopFolderPath;
- (BOOL)removeWorkingDirectory;
- (BOOL)removeCodeSignatureDirectory;

// bundle id
- (void)getDefaultBundleIDWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// short version
- (void)getDefaultShortVersionWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// build version
- (void)getDefaultBuildVersionWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// product name
- (void)getDefaultProductNameWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// icons
- (void)getDefaultIconFilesWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// zip/unzip
- (BOOL)searchForZipUtility;
- (void)unzipIpaFromSource:(NSString*)ipaFileName log:(LogBlock)log error:(ErrorBlock)error success:(SuccessBlock)success;

// app info
- (void)showIpaInfoWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;
- (void)showProvisioningProfileWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;
- (void)showSignignCertificatesWithSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;

// provisioning profiles
- (void)getProvisioningProfiles;
- (NSString*)getProvisioningInfoAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- (int)getProvisioningIndexFromApp:(YAProvisioningProfile*)profile;

// signign certificates
- (void)getCertificatesSuccess:(SuccessBlock)success error:(ErrorBlock)error;
- (NSInteger)getCertificateIndexFromApp:(NSString*)cert;

// resign
- (void)resignWithProvisioningIndex:(int)provisioningIndex editProvisioning:(BOOL)editProvisioning editIcons:(BOOL)editIcons certificateIndex:(int)certificateIndex log:(LogBlock)log error:(ErrorBlock)error success:(SuccessBlock)success;


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