


Collection of connectomic papers and datasets. Public available annotated EM datasets with papers and download paths are in connectomic-datasets.xlsx. Please tell me if any dataset is missing.

Recommended code: a deep learning framework powered by PyTorch for automatic and semi-automatic semantic and instance segmentation in connectomics, which is called PyTorch Connectomics (PyTC). [paper]

Dataset Papers

MICrONS | Cell 2022

H01 | preprint

Open Organelle | Nature 2021

FAFB | Cell 2018

FlyWire | Nature methods 2022

C. elegans. Connectomes across development | Nature 2021

Hemi Brain | elife 2020

Fly VNC | Cell 2021

Algorithm Papers -- Segmentation

SyConn2 | Nature Methods 2022 & Nature Communication 2019

FFN | Nature Methods 2018

LSD | Nature Methods 2022

Algorithm Papers -- Error Correction

Split Error Correction Through Biologically-Constrained Graphs | CVPR 2019

Multimodal Split Error Correction | AAAI 2024

Algorithm Papers -- Subcompartment Classification

Segmentation-Guided Contrastive Learning | Nature Methods 2023

Cluster-Instance Contrastive Learning | MICCAI 2022

Skeleton-Aware Morphological Representation | 3DV 2024


If you want to use neuroglancer to visualize your own EM image and segmentation, please refer to my notes in neuroglancer_EM&seg

Our dataset

FAFB-CellSeg dataset for subcompartment classification: FAFB-CellSeg

FlyTracing dataset for split error correction: FlyTracing