


An Android app to view the BPM, key, genre, time signature, and average loudness of a track from Spotify API.

<img src="https://gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo/-/raw/master/assets/IzzyOnDroid2.png" width="200px">


The data provided by the app is meant to help music producers remix other tracks or use them as references for thier own work.


Built with Jetpack Compose, Single-Activity Architecture, Android Architecture Components (ViewModel, Navigation Component), Retrofit, Dagger/Hilt, Coil, Room, Kotlin Coroutines and Flows, AppAuth to implement the Authorization code with PKCE flow, Jetpack Palette library, and the Paging 3 library.


Screenshots collage

Building from sources


Build locally

SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<your app's client id from Spotify developer dashboard>

SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<password to the keystore you've provided>
SIGNATURE_KEY_ALIAS=<alias of the key from the keystore that you want to use to sign the app>
SIGNATURE_KEY_PASSWORD=<password to that key>

Make sure that you do not commit this file to a public repository.

./gradlew assembleDebug

to create a debug build of the app at app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk, or

./gradlew assembleRelease

for the release version at /app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk.

Build using Github Actions

You will only be able to make a release build with this method.


The app's icon is from Freepik.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.