

UnityEditor integration for LeoEcsLite C# Entity Component System framework

Unity editor integration for LeoECS Lite.

Tested on unity 2020.3 (dependent on it) and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.

Important! Don't forget that this module developed to work only inside unity editor and under UNITY_EDITOR definition.

Table of content





As unity module

This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json:

"com.leoecscommunity.ecslite.unityeditor": "https://github.com/LeoECSCommunity/ecslite-unityeditor.git",

By default last released version will be used. If you need trunk / developing version then develop name of branch should be added after hash:

"com.leoecscommunity.ecslite.unityeditor": "https://github.com/LeoECSCommunity/ecslite-unityeditor.git#develop",

As source

If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be cloned or downloaded as archive from releases page.


From code

// ecs-startup code:
void Start () {        
    _systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
        .Add (new TestSystem1 ())
        // add debug systems for custom worlds here, for example:
        // .Add (new Leopotam.EcsLite.UnityEditor.EcsWorldDebugSystem ("events"))
        .Add (new Leopotam.EcsLite.UnityEditor.EcsWorldDebugSystem ())
        .Init ();

void Update () {
    // you should call Run() for EcsWorldDebugSystem container EcsSystems,
    // otherwise names will not be updated with wastes of internal allocations.

Important! By default component names will be baked to GameObject name on each change in delayed manner - its why you should call EcsSystems.Run() for systems group that contains EcsWorldDebugSystem. If you don't need this info (for performance reason for example), you can disable it with passing bakeComponentsInName = false parameter in ctor of EcsWorldDebugSystem.

From UI

Some code can be generated automatically from unity editor main menu "Assets / Create / LeoECS Lite".


The software is released under the terms of the MIT license.

No personal support or any guarantees.


I want to use IEcsPreInitSystem-system with creating entities inside, but editor integration throws exception. What I'm doing wrong?


class IssueRepro : MonoBehaviour {
    struct Comp { }

    class Sys : IEcsPreInitSystem, IEcsInitSystem {
        public void PreInit (EcsSystems systems) {
            var world = systems.GetWorld ();
            var e = world.NewEntity ();
            world.GetPool<Comp> ().Add (e);

        public void Init (EcsSystems systems) {
            var world = systems.GetWorld ();
            var pool = world.GetPool<Comp> ();

            foreach (var e in world.Filter<Comp> ().End ()) {
                pool.Del (e);
    EcsSystems _systems;

    void Awake () {
        _systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
            .Add (new Sys ())
            .Add (new Leopotam.EcsLite.UnityEditor.EcsWorldDebugSystem ())
            .Init ();
    void Update () {
        _systems?.Run (); // throws NullReferenceException() here.
    void OnDestroy () {
        if (_systems != null) {
            _systems.Destroy ();
            _systems.GetWorld ().Destroy ();
            _systems = null;

Main problem in this situation - editor update system (EUS) uses same integration way - as IEcsPreInitSystem and dont know anything about world changes before it. If you really want to create data in PreInit() method (that not recommended), you can extract EUS to separate EcsSystems group:

    EcsSystems _systems;
    EcsSystems _editorSystems;
    void Awake () {
        _systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
        // create separate EcsSystems group for editor systems only.
        _editorSystems = new EcsSystems (_systems.GetWorld ());
            .Add (new Leopotam.EcsLite.UnityEditor.EcsWorldDebugSystem ())
            .Init ();
            .Add (new Sys ())
            .Init ();
    void Update () {
        _systems?.Run ();
        // process editor systems group after standard logic. 
        _editorSystems?.Run ();
    void OnDestroy () {
        // cleanup editor systems group.
        if (_editorSystems != null) {
            _editorSystems.Destroy ();
            _editorSystems = null;
        if (_systems != null) {
            _systems.Destroy ();
            _systems.GetWorld ().Destroy ();
            _systems = null;

I can't edit my custom type, but can builtin simple types. How can I do it?

With custom inspector drawer:

public struct C2 {
    public string Name;

// somewhere in project - it will be found automatically.
sealed class C2Inspector : EcsComponentInspectorTyped<C2> {
    public override bool OnGuiTyped (string label, ref C2 value, EcsEntityDebugView entityView) {
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField ($"Super C2 component", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        var newValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Name", value.Name);
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ($"Hello, {value.Name}", MessageType.Info);
        // If value not changed - just return false.
        if (newValue == value.Name) { return false; }
        // Otherwise - overwrite value and return true.
        value.Name = newValue;
        return true;

It works for components and component fields.