


Set of step by step guided samples to help you get started with redux sagas + typescript.

Each of the examples implemented, contains a guide step by step readme.md file that will let you code each of the examples by your own.


00 Boilerplate:

Initial repo boiler plate sample, includes:

01 Hello Saga

In this sample we are going to install redux-saga library, add all the setup code needed and create a simple service. We are going to setup redux saga, create actions and create a saga.

Summary Steps

02 Take latest

In this sample we are going to start exploring redux saga helper effects, in this case we will learn how to discard pending async request and take the latest one that was fired by using the takeLatest effect.

Summary steps

03 Throttle

In this sample we are going to continue exploring redux saga helper effects. This time we will make use of Throttle allowing us to discard pending consecutive request for given period of time.

Summary steps

04 Race

In this sample we are going to continue exploring redux saga helper effects. The race effect will let us do things like: make a request to two services in parallel and process the response on the first service to answer, or let the user cancel and on going request (race between async promise in progress vs user hitting cancel button).

Summary steps

05 All

All saga effect is similar to promise.all it let us wait for several async requests to be completed.

Summary steps

06 Confirmation

Combine a UI confirmation task with an asynchronous request.

Summary steps

07 Channels

Saga's channels are a powerful mechanism for real time communication, in this sample we are going to establish a connection with a fake currency websocket service, periodically get updates from it and display data.

Summary steps

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