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AuthKit provides a system to login into multiple online (social) services. Have a custom-built view controller to display login interface for any AuthKit supported service. It's main purpose is solving the implementation of basic login system in every application with a simple easy to use interface.

AuthKit is to authentication as to what ARAnalytics is to all analytics providers. It wraps multiple SDK's and provides configured AFNetworking 2.x clients which you can use to communicate with the service REST API directly, such as Facebook's Graph API. Or you can use the underlying library directly for desired specific functionality.


The Story

AuthKit was originally developed because a fairly simple project needed to make GitHub API calls, but used AFNetworking 2.x throughout entire project. Since AFNetworking 1.x and 2.x are incompatible with different APIs, many existing wrapper libraries (such as OctoKit) cannot be used if 2.x version is installed as a Cocoa Pod, due to dependency conflicts.

From there the library was extended to support multiple login services and tools to aid with authentication on iOS.


The easiest way to install AuthKit is with CocoaPods.

pod 'AuthKit'

As alternative install method, you can manually drag & drop files from the repository into your Xcode project.

If you wish to install only specific services of AuthKit (for example, only install Facebook and Twitter login clients), use separate subspecs.

pod 'AuthKit/Facebook'
pod 'AuthKit/Twitter'

The configuration above will only install AKClient implementations of Facebook and Twitter. If you are also going to use AuthKit interface, such as login screen, also include:

pod 'AuthKit/Interface'


The entire AuthKit documentation is available on Wiki and on CocoaDocs.


Dal Rupnik


AuthKit is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more information.