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Strengthen the security posture of your source-code management! <br/> Detect and remediate misconfigurations, security and compliance issues across all your GitHub and GitLab assets with ease 🔥 <br/> by Legit Security.

<b> Wonder what Legit Security does? </b>

Legit Security is an application security posture management (ASPM) and software supply chain security solution.<br/> For more information check out the comparison table




Installation is possible in several ways:

brew install legitify
git clone git@github.com:Legit-Labs/legitify.git
go run main.go analyze ...
gh extension install legit-labs/gh-legitify
gh legitify

CI - Legitify Custom GitHub Action

You can run legitify as part of a CI process with the legitify Custom GitHub Actions:

name: Legitify Analyze
      - cron: '0 11 * * 1-5'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Legitify Action
        uses: Legit-Labs/legitify@main
          github_token: ${{ secrets.PAT_FOR_LEGITIFY }}
          ignore-policies: |

Checkout the action file for additional parameters and configuration.


To enhance the software supply chain security of legitify's users, as of v0.1.6, every legitify release contains a SLSA Level 3 Provenance document.
The provenance document refers to all artifacts in the release, as well as the generated docker image.
You can use SLSA framework's official verifier to verify the provenance.
Example of usage for the darwin_arm64 architecture for the v0.1.6 release:

./slsa-verifier verify-artifact --source-branch main --builder-id 'https://github.com/slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@refs/tags/v1.2.2' --source-uri "git+https://github.com/Legit-Labs/legitify" --provenance-path multiple.intoto.jsonl ./legitify_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.tar.gz



SCM_TOKEN=<your_token> legitify analyze

By default, legitify will check the policies against all your resources (organizations, repositories, members, actions). Archived repositories are skipped.

You can control which resources will be analyzed with command-line flags namespace and org:

SCM_TOKEN=<your_token> legitify analyze --org org1,org2 --namespace organization,member

The above command will test organization and member policies against org1 and org2.


SCM_TOKEN=<your_token> OPENAI_TOKEN=<token> ./legitify gpt-analysis --repo org1/repo1 --org org1

GPT-3 based analysis of the security posture of the provided repository or organization.

NOTE: The repository/organization metadata is sent to openai servers.


Must provide either --org or --repo or both.

Generating openai token:

  1. Go to https://beta.openai.com/signup and create an openai account
  2. Under https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys press "Create new secret key"

GitHub Action Usage

You can also run legitify as a GitHub action in your workflows, see the action_examples directory for concrete examples.


GitHub (Cloud and Enterprise Server)

  1. To get the most out of legitify, you need to be an owner of at least one GitHub organization. Otherwise, you can still use the tool if you're an admin of at least one repository inside an organization, in which case you'll be able to see only repository-related policies results.
  2. legitify requires a GitHub personal access token (PAT) to analyze your resources successfully, which can be either provided as an argument (-t) or as an environment variable (SCM_TOKEN). The PAT needs the following scopes for full analysis:
admin:org, read:enterprise, admin:org_hook, read:org, repo, read:repo_hook

See Creating a Personal Access Token for more information.
Fine-grained personal access tokens are currently not supported.

GitHub Enterprise Server

You can run legitify against a GitHub Enterprise Server instance if you set the endpoint URL in the environment variable SERVER_URL:

export SERVER_URL="https://github.example.com/"
SCM_TOKEN=<your_token> legitify analyze --org org1,org2 --namespace organization,member

GitLab Cloud/Server

  1. As mentioned in the previous section, you need to be an owner of at least one GitLab group. Otherwise, you can still use the tool if you're an admin of at least one project inside a group, in which case you'll be able to see only project-related policies results.
  2. legitify requires a GitLab personal access token (PAT) to analyze your resources successfully, which can be either provided as an argument (-t) or as an environment variable (SCM_TOKEN). The PAT needs the following scopes for full analysis: read_api, read_user, read_repository, read_registry See Creating a Personal Access Token for more information.
    To run legitify against GitLab Cloud set the scm flag to gitlab --scm gitlab, to run against GitLab Server you need to provide also a SERVER_URL:
export SERVER_URL="https://gitlab.example.com/"
SCM_TOKEN=<your_token> legitify analyze --namespace organization --scm gitlab

NOTE 1: To ignore invalid server certificate, please pass the ignore-invalid-certificate flag

NOTE 2: For non-premium GitLab accounts some policies (such as branch protection policies) will be skipped


Namespaces in legitify are resources that are collected and run against the policies. Currently, the following namespaces are supported:

  1. organization - GitHub organization (or GitLab group) level policies (e.g., "Two-Factor Authentication Is Not Enforced for the Organization")
  2. actions - organization GitHub Actions policies (e.g., "GitHub Actions Runs Are Not Limited To Verified Actions")
  3. member - contributor level policies (e.g., "Stale Admin Found")
  4. repository - GitHub repository (or GitLab Project) level policies (e.g., "Code Review By At Least Two Reviewers Is Not Enforced"). Note: Archived repositories are ignored unless specified directly via the --repo argument.
  5. runner_group - runner group policies (e.g, "runner can be used by public repositories")

By default, legitify will analyze all namespaces. You can limit only to selected ones with the --namespace flag, and then a comma separated list of the selected namespaces.

Output Options

By default, legitify will output the results in a human-readable format. This includes the list of policy violations listed by severity, as well as a summary table that is sorted by namespace.

Output Formats

Using the --output-format (-f) flag, legitify supports outputting the results in the following formats:

  1. human-readable - Human-readable text (default).
  2. json - Standard JSON.
  3. sarif - SARIF format (info).

Output Schemes

Using the --output-scheme flag, legitify supports outputting the results in different grouping schemes. Note: --output-format=json must be specified to output non-default schemes.

  1. flattened - No grouping; A flat listing of the policies, each with its violations (default).
  2. group-by-namespace - Group the policies by their namespace.
  3. group-by-resource - Group the policies by their resource e.g. specific organization/repository.
  4. group-by-severity - Group the policies by their severity.

Output Destinations


When outputting in a human-readable format, legitify support the conventional --color[=when] flag, which has the following options:


Scorecard Support - Only for GitHub server/cloud repositories

Scorecard is an OSSF's open-source project:

Scorecards is an automated tool that assesses a number of important heuristics ("checks") associated with software security and assigns each check a score of 0-10. You can use these scores to understand specific areas to improve in order to strengthen the security posture of your project. You can also assess the risks that dependencies introduce, and make informed decisions about accepting these risks, evaluating alternative solutions, or working with the maintainers to make improvements.

legitify supports running scorecard for all of the organization's repositories, enforcing score policies and showing the results using the --scorecard flag:

legitify runs the following scorecard checks:

CheckPublic RepositoryPrivate Repository


legitify comes with a set of policies for each SCM in the policies/ directory.

These policies are documented here.


Thank you for considering contributing to Legitify! We encourage and appreciate any kind of contribution. Here are some resources to help you get started:


If you have questions about legitify or need any assistance with its operation, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is committed to providing support and ensuring a smooth experience.

Legitify vs. the Legit Security platform

If you liked Legitify, you are going to love the Legit Security Platform!

Below is a comfeature parison between Legitify and Legit:

CapabilityLegitifyLegit Security Platform
Supported platformsGitHub <br> GitLabALL major SCMs (incl. Azure DevOps, Bitbucket and more)<br> CI/CD systems (e.g. Jenkins) <br> Package registries (e.g. JFrog Artifactory)<br>Cloud providers (e.g. AWS)
Risk detectionSCM Misconfigurations onlySCMs Misconfigurations <br> CI Misconfigurations <br> CD Misconfigurations <br> Package Registries Misconfigurations <br> Pipeline risks <br> Secrets <br> IaC <br> Security Incidents <br> And more...
Compliance reportOSSF SCM Best PracticesSSDF <br> SLSA <br> SOC2 <br> ISO 27001 <br> FedRAMP <br> And more...
Policy drifts detectionCan be detected periodically though Legitify's GitHub ActionGet real-time alerts when a misconfiguration is introduced
SDLC assets management-Yes
Issue & policy management-Yes
Code To Cloud context-Yes (contextualized information enables smarter prioritization)
Workspaces & product groups-Yes
Ticketing & alerting-Jira, Slack, and more
Ingest risk-Import APIs and integrations with SAST, SCA and other testing solutions
Rest APIs-Yes

To check out Legit, visit our website or directly book a demo

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.legitsecurity.com"> <img width="250" alt="Legitify Logo" src="https://github.com/Legit-Labs/legitify/assets/74864790/c76dc765-e8fd-498e-ab92-1228eb5a1f2d"> </a> </div>