


GitHub Actions Codecov Hackage

A package providing a more flexible interface to accessing the GitHub API. Endpoints are created using the GHEndpoint constructor and are executed with the queryGitHub function in the GitHubT monad.


This quickstart will demonstrate querying endpoints in a hypothetical public GitHub repo alice/my-project.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}

import Data.Text (Text)
import GitHub.REST
import Network.HTTP.Types (StdMethod(..))

default (Text)

main = do
  let state = GitHubSettings
        { token = Nothing
          -- ^ An authentication token to use, if any.
        , userAgent = "alice/my-project"
          -- ^ GitHub requires this to be set to a User Agent specific to your
          -- application: https://developer.github.com/v3/#user-agent-required
        , apiVersion = "v3"
          -- ^ Specifies the API version to query: https://developer.github.com/v3/media/

  runGitHubT state $ do

    -- Get information for the "main" branch
    -- https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#get-a-single-reference
    ref <- queryGitHub GHEndpoint
      { method = GET
        -- Colon-prefixed components in the endpoint will be interpolated by
        -- the values in 'endpointVals'.
        -- In this case, "/repos/alice/my-project/git/refs/heads/main"
      , endpoint = "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/:ref"
      , endpointVals =
        [ "owner" := "alice"
        , "repo" := "my-project"
        , "ref" := "heads/main"
      , ghData = []

    -- 'github-rest' provides a '.:' helper for when the API guarantees that a
    -- key in a JSON object exists
    -- The result of 'queryGitHub' is anything that's an instance of FromJSON,
    -- if using manually-defined data types is preferred over using '.:'. This
    -- package can be easily used with the aeson-schemas library, which
    -- provides a type-safe way to query JSON data.
    let sha :: Text
        sha = ref .: "object" .: "sha"

    -- Create a new branch called "foo"
    -- https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#create-a-reference
    queryGitHub GHEndpoint
      { method = POST
      , endpoint = "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs"
      , endpointVals =
        [ "owner" := "alice"
        , "repo" := "my-project"
      , ghData =
        [ "ref" := "refs/heads/foo"
        , "sha" := sha

Comparison to other libraries

The github package provides a decent API for querying the GitHub API, and it defines Haskell data types for each endpoint. These data types can be used as the result of queryGitHub.

This package provides a different interface for people with different tastes: