

beancount-parser CircleCI

Standalone Lark LALR(1) based Beancount syntax parser (not relying on Beancount library), MIT license

Please also checkout out beancount-black, an opinionated beancount code formatter based on beancount-parser.



The original project beancount-parser was meant to be an internal tool built by Launch Platform LLC for

<p align="center"> <a href="https://beanhub.io"><img src="https://github.com/LaunchPlatform/beancount-black/raw/master/assets/beanhub.svg?raw=true" alt="BeanHub logo" /></a> </p>

A modern accounting book service based on the most popular open source version control system Git and text-based double entry accounting book software Beancount. We realized adding new entries with BeanHub automatically over time makes the beancount file a mess. So, a strong code formatter is needed. While SaaS businesses won't be required to open-source an internal tool like this, we still love that the service is only possible because of the open-source tool we are using. It would be greatly beneficial for the community to access a tool like this, so we've decided to open-source it under an MIT license. We hope you find this tool useful 😄


To install the parser, simply run

pip install beancount-parser


If you want to run the parse beancount code, you can do this

import io

from beancount_parser.parser import make_parser

parser = make_parser()
tree = parser.parse(beancount_content)
# do whatever you want with the tree here


Feedbacks, bugs reporting or feature requests are welcome 🙌, just please open an issue. No guarantee we have time to deal with them, but will see what we can do.