


Development is currently in the dev-es6 branch. Documentation is at https://laserweb.yurl.ch.

Please remember that this is a totally non profit open source project, all contributors and testers are volunteers who share a love of all things making. Lasers included. If you have questions or like to discuss about LaserWeb, please head over to the LaserWeb / CNCWeb community at https://forum.makerforums.info/c/laserweb-cncweb.




By using this software, the user accepts complete responsibility for each and every aspect of safety associated with the use of the Laser machine, Laser system and LaserWeb Software.

####You agree that:

  1. You will not hold the author or contributors of LaserWeb liable for any damage to equipment or persons from the use of LaserWeb.
  2. You know the potential hazards in using high power lasers and high voltages.
  3. You will wear professional laser-eye-protection when using a laser controlled by LaserWeb.
  4. You will use the LaserWeb software in a legal and safe manner.
  5. You relieve the author and contributors from any liability arising from the use or distribution of the LaserWeb software.
  6. You are entirely operating at your own risk. Lasers can be lethally dangerous.

Supported firmwares

Grbl, Smoothieware, Marlin, TinyG