

🏠 Laerdal.McuMgr


Forward Licensing Disclaimer

Read the LICENSE file before you begin.


The project generates multiple Nugets called 'Laerdal.McuMgr' & 'Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.iOS|Android|NetStandard' (note: NetStandard is still WIP). The goal is to have 'Laerdal.McuMgr' provide an elegant high-level C# abstraction for the native device-managers that Nordic provides us with for iOS and Android respectively to interact with nRF5x series of BLE chips as long as they run on firmware that has been built using 'nRFConnect SDK' or the 'Zephyr SDK' (devices running on firmware built with the 'nRF5 SDK' however are inherently incompatible!):

From the respective 'Readme' files of these projects:

<< nRF Connect Device Manager library is compatible with McuManager (McuMgr, for short), a management subsystem supported by nRF Connect SDK, Zephyr and Apache Mynewt.

It is the recommended protocol for Device Firmware Update(s) on new Nordic-powered devices going forward and should not be confused with the previous protocol, NordicDFU, serviced by the Old DFU Library.

McuManager uses the Simple Management Protocol, or SMP, to send and receive message requests from compatible devices. The SMP Transport definition for Bluetooth Low Energy, which this library implements, can be found here.

The library provides a transport agnostic implementation of the McuManager protocol. It contains a default implementation for BLE transport. >>

The following types of operations are supported on devices running on Nordic's nRF5x series of BLE chips:

✅ Nuget Platform-Support Matrix

StackAndroidiOSMacCatalyst (MacOS / iPad / iOS)Windows / UWP (NetStandard2.0)
DotNet 8+✅ Min 5.0 / Recommended 11.0+ / Max 14.0 <br/> (api-levels: 20 / 30 / 34)✅ 12.0+ <br/> ( sdk: iphoneos-sdk 17.5 )✅ 13.1+ <br/> ( MacOS: 10.15+, iOS/iPadOS: 13+ )🚧 (Much much later ...)

❗️ Salient Points

🚀 Using the Nugets in your Projects

Add the following Nuget packages.

   Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.iOS                 (only add this to those projects of yours that target iOS)
   Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.Android             (only add this to those projects of yours that target Android)
   Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.MacCatalyst         (only add this to those projects of yours that target MacCatalyst aka MacDesktop+iPad)
   Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.NetStandard (WIP!)  (only add this to those projects of yours that target Windows/UWP)

Make sure to always get the latest versions of the above packages.

   [Note] For MacCatalyst you will also need to add this to your MAUI .csproj file so as to avoid compilation issues:

          <!-- https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/19451#issuecomment-1811959873 -->

🤖 Android

private Laerdal.McuMgr.FirmwareInstaller.IFirmwareInstaller _firmwareInstaller;

public async Task InstallFirmwareAsync()
    var firmwareRawBytes = ...; //byte[]
    var desiredBluetoothDevice = ...; //android bluetooth device here 

        _firmwareInstaller = new FirmwareInstaller.FirmwareInstaller(desiredBluetoothDevice);
        ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareInstallerEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: true);
        await _firmwareInstaller.InstallAsync(
            data: firmwareRawBytes,
            pipelineDepth: FirmwareInstallationPipelineDepth, //ios only
            byteAlignment: FirmwareInstallationByteAlignment, //ios only
            windowCapacity: FirmwareInstallationWindowCapacity, //android only
            memoryAlignment: FirmwareInstallationMemoryAlignment, //android only
            estimatedSwapTimeInMilliseconds: FirmwareInstallationEstimatedSwapTimeInSecs * 1000
    catch (FirmwareInstallationCancelledException) //order
            title: "Firmware-Installation Cancelled",
            message: "Operation cancelled!"
    catch (FirmwareInstallationConfirmationStageTimeoutException) //order
            title: "Firmware-Installation Failed",
            message: $"The firmware was installed but the device didn't confirm it within {FirmwareInstallationEstimatedSwapTimeInSecs}secs. " +
                     "This means that the new firmware will only last for just one power-cycle of the device."
    catch (FirmwareInstallationErroredOutException ex) //order
            title: "Firmware-Installation Failed",
            message: $"An error occurred:{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{ex}"
    catch (Exception ex) //order
            title: "[BUG] Firmware-Installation Failed",
            message: $"An unexpected error occurred:{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{ex}"
        ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareInstallerEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: false);

private void ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareInstallerEvents(bool subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
    if (_firmwareInstaller == null)
    if (subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
        _firmwareInstaller.LogEmitted += FirmwareInstaller_LogEmitted;
        _firmwareInstaller.StateChanged += FirmwareInstaller_StateChanged;
        _firmwareInstaller.FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged += FirmwareInstaller_FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged;
        _firmwareInstaller.LogEmitted -= FirmwareInstaller_LogEmitted;
        _firmwareInstaller.StateChanged -= FirmwareInstaller_StateChanged;
        _firmwareInstaller.FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged -= FirmwareInstaller_FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged;

private static void FirmwareInstaller_IdenticalFirmwareCachedOnTargetDeviceDetected(object sender, IdenticalFirmwareCachedOnTargetDeviceDetectedEventArgs ea)
    switch (ea)
        case { CachedFirmwareType: ECachedFirmwareType.CachedButInactive }:
            App.DisplayAlert(title: "Info", message: "The firmware you're trying to install appears to be cached on the device. Will use that instead of re-uploading it.");

        case { CachedFirmwareType: ECachedFirmwareType.CachedAndActive }:
            App.DisplayAlert(title: "Info", message: "The firmware you're trying to install appears to be already active on the device. Will not re-install it.");

private void FirmwareInstaller_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs ea)
    Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"** {nameof(FirmwareInstaller_StateChanged)}: OldState='{ea.OldState}' NewState='{ea.NewState}'");

    if (ea.NewState == EFirmwareInstallationState.Idle) {
        FirmwareInstallationAttemptCount += 1; //00

    FirmwareInstallationStage = ea.NewState.ToString();
    FirmwareInstallationOverallProgressPercentage = GetProgressMilestonePercentageForState(ea.NewState) ?? FirmwareInstallationOverallProgressPercentage;
    //00  if a firmware installation fails then we retry up to 10 times     each time we
    //    reattempt we start from scratch so the state will be reset back to being none again etc

private void FirmwareInstaller_FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged(EventPattern<FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChangedEventArgs> eventPattern)
    var ea = eventPattern.EventArgs; //00
    FirmwareUploadAverageThroughputInKilobytes = ea.AverageThroughput;

    if (FirmwareInstallationOverallProgressPercentage < 50) //10  hack
        FirmwareInstallationOverallProgressPercentage = UploadingPhaseProgressMilestonePercent + (int)(ea.ProgressPercentage * 0.4f); //10% to 50%

    //00  we could use a background task here per https://stackoverflow.com/a/15957165/863651 but we wouldnt notice a dramatic difference in performance
    //10  we noticed that there is a small race condition between state changes and the progress% updates   we first get a state change to 'resetting' (70%)
    //    and then a file-upload progress% update to 100%   we would like to fix this inside the native firmware installer library but its quite hard to do so

private static readonly int UploadingPhaseProgressMilestonePercent = GetProgressMilestonePercentageForState(EFirmwareInstallationState.Uploading)!.Value;
private static int? GetProgressMilestonePercentageForState(EFirmwareInstallationState state) => state switch
    EFirmwareInstallationState.None => 0,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Idle => 1,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Validating => 2,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Uploading => 10, //00
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Testing => 50,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Resetting => 70,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Confirming => 80,
    EFirmwareInstallationState.Complete => 100,
    _ => null // .error .paused .cancelled .cancelling    we shouldnt throw an exception here
    //00   note that the progress% is further updated from 10% to 50% by the upload process via the event FirmwareUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged

private void CleanupFirmwareInstaller()
    _firmwareInstaller = null;
private IFirmwareEraser _firmwareEraser;

public async Task EraseFirmwareAsync()
    var desiredBluetoothDevice = ...; //android bluetooth device here 

        _firmwareEraser = new FirmwareEraser.FirmwareEraser(desiredBluetoothDevice);
        ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareEraserEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: true);

        await _firmwareEraser.EraseAsync(imageIndex: IndexOfFirmwareImageToErase);
    catch (FirmwareErasureErroredOutException ex)
            title: "File-Erasure Failed",
            message: $"An error occurred:{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{ex}"
    catch (Exception ex)
            title: "[BUG] File-Erasure Failed",
            message: $"An unexpected error occurred:{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{ex}"
        ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareEraserEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: false); //  order
        CleanupFirmwareEraser(); //                                                    order
    App.DisplayAlert(title: "Erasure Complete", message: "Firmware Erasure Completed Successfully!");

private void ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareEraserEvents(bool subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
    if (_firmwareEraser == null)

    if (subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
        _firmwareEraser.LogEmitted += FirmwareEraser_LogEmitted;
        _firmwareEraser.StateChanged += FirmwareEraser_StateChanged;
        // _firmwareEraser.BusyStateChanged += FirmwareEraser_BusyStateChanged;
        // _firmwareEraser.FatalErrorOccurred += FirmwareEraser_FatalErrorOccurred;
        _firmwareEraser.LogEmitted -= FirmwareEraser_LogEmitted;
        _firmwareEraser.StateChanged -= FirmwareEraser_StateChanged;
        // _firmwareEraser.BusyStateChanged -= FirmwareEraser_BusyStateChanged;
        // _firmwareEraser.FatalErrorOccurred -= FirmwareEraser_FatalErrorOccurred;

private void FirmwareEraser_LogEmitted(object sender, LogEmittedEventArgs ea)
    Console.Error.WriteLine($"** {nameof(FirmwareEraser_LogEmitted)} [category={ea.Category}, level={ea.Level}]: {ea.Message}");

private void FirmwareEraser_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs ea)
    FirmwareErasureStage = ea.NewState.ToString();

private void CleanupFirmwareEraser()
    _firmwareEraser = null;
private IDeviceResetter _deviceResetter;

private void ResetDevice()
    var desiredBluetoothDevice = await Laerdal.Ble.Scanner.Instance.WaitForDeviceToAppearAsync(/*device id here*/); 

    _deviceResetter = new Laerdal.McuMgr.DeviceResetter.DeviceResetter(desiredBluetoothDevice.BluetoothDevice);

    ToggleSubscriptionsOnDeviceResetterEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: true);


private void ShowDeviceResetterStateButtonClicked()
    App.DisplayAlert(title: "Resetter State", message: $"State is: '{_deviceResetter?.State.ToString() ?? "(N/A)"}'");

private void ToggleSubscriptionsOnDeviceResetterEvents(bool subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
    if (_deviceResetter == null)
    if (subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
        _deviceResetter.Error += DeviceResetter_Error;
        _deviceResetter.StateChanged += DeviceResetter_StateChanged;
        _deviceResetter.Error -= DeviceResetter_Error;
        _deviceResetter.StateChanged -= DeviceResetter_StateChanged;

private void DeviceResetter_Error(object sender, DeviceResetter.Events.ErrorEventArgs ea)
    App.DisplayAlert(title: "Reset Error", message: ea.ErrorMessage);

private void DeviceResetter_StateChanged(object sender, DeviceResetter.Events.StateChangedEventArgs ea)
    DeviceResettingStage = ea.NewState.ToString();
    if (ea.NewState != EDeviceResetterState.Complete)

    ToggleSubscriptionsOnFirmwareUpgraderEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: false);

    App.DisplayAlert(title: "Reset / Reboot Complete", message: "Firmware Reset / Reboot Completed Successfully!");


private void CleanupDeviceResetter()
    _deviceResetter = null;

    private Dictionary<string, byte[]> _massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes; //set this appropriately
    private async Task PickLocalFilesToMassUploadButtonClickedAsync()
            var selectedFiles = (await FilePicker.PickMultipleAsync(options: PickOptions.Default))?.ToArray();
            if (selectedFiles == null)
                return; //nothing selected

            var selectedFilesAndTheirRawBytes = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>(selectedFiles.Length);
            foreach (var x in selectedFiles)
                using var stream = await x.OpenReadAsync();
                using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
                var rawBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();

                    key: Path.GetFileName(x.FullPath),
                    value: rawBytes

            _massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes = selectedFilesAndTheirRawBytes;

            MassFileUploaderTotalNumberOfFilesToUpload = _massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes.Count;
            MassFileUploaderNumberOfFilesUploadedSuccessfully = 0;

            MassFileUploadSelectedLocalFilesStringified = string.Join(
                _massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes.Select((x, i) => $"{i + 1}.) {x.Key}")
        catch (Exception ex)
            App.DisplayAlert(title: "Error", message: $"Failed to pick local files!\r\n\r\n{ex}");
        //00  in ios using openreadasync is the only way to get the raw bytes out of the file    if we use the standard readers of C#
        //    we will get an unauthorizedaccessexception 

    private async Task MassUploadSelectedFilesButtonClickedAsync()
        if (_massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes == null || !_massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes.Any())
            App.DisplayAlert(title: "Forbidden", message: "No files specified for uploading!");

            _massFileUploader = new FileUploader.FileUploader(/*Android device*/);

            ToggleSubscriptionsOnMassFileUploaderEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: true);

            MassFileUploaderNumberOfFilesUploadedSuccessfully = 0;

            var remoteFilePathsAndTheirData = _massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes.ToDictionary(
                keySelector: x => $"{MassFileUploadRemoteTargetFolderPath.TrimEnd('/')}/{x.Key}", //dont use path.combine here   it would be a bad idea
                elementSelector: x => x.Value
            await _massFileUploader.UploadAsync(
                maxTriesPerUpload: MassFileUploadingMaxTriesPerUpload,
                timeoutPerUploadInMs: 4 * 60 * 1_000, //4mins per upload
                sleepTimeBetweenRetriesInMs: MassFileUploadingSleepTimeBetweenRetriesInSecs * 1_000,
                remoteFilePathsAndTheirData: remoteFilePathsAndTheirData
        catch (UploadCancelledException) //order
                title: "File-Upload Cancelled",
                message: "The operation was cancelled!"
        catch (UploadErroredOutRemoteFolderNotFoundException ex) //order
                title: "File-Upload Failed",
                message: $"Directory '{MassFileUploadRemoteTargetFolderPath}' doesn't exist in the remote device:" +
        catch (UploadErroredOutException ex) //order
                title: "File-Upload Failed",
                message: $"A generic error occurred:\r\n\r\n{ex}"
        catch (UploadTimeoutException) //order
                title: "File-Upload Failed",
                message: "The operation didn't complete in time"
        catch (Exception ex) //order
                title: "[BUG] File-Upload Failed",
                message: $"An unexpected error occurred:\r\n\r\n{ex}"
            await Device.DisconnectAsync();
            ToggleSubscriptionsOnMassFileUploaderEvents(subscribeNotUnsubscribe: false); //     order
            CleanupFileUploader(); //                                                           order    

            title: "File-Uploading Complete",
            message: $"{_massFileUploadSelectedFileNamesAndTheirRawBytes.Count} file(s) uploaded successfully at:\r\n\r\n{MassFileUploadRemoteTargetFolderPath}"

    private void MassUploadResetUIToDefaultValues()
        MassFileUploaderStage = "";
        MassFileUploadProgressPercentage = 0;
        MassFileUploadCurrentlyUploadedFile = "";
        MassFileUploadAverageThroughputInKilobytes = 0;
        MassFileUploaderNumberOfFilesUploadedSuccessfully = 0;
        MassFileUploaderNumberOfFailuresToUploadCurrentFile = 0;

    private bool ValidateFileForMassUploadingForDevice(string selectedFileForUploading)
        // validation logic here...
        return true;

    private void CancelMassFileUploadingButtonClicked()
    private void ToggleSubscriptionsOnMassFileUploaderEvents(bool subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
        if (_massFileUploader == null)

        if (subscribeNotUnsubscribe)
            _massFileUploader.LogEmitted += MassFileUploader_LogEmitted;
            _massFileUploader.StateChanged += MassFileUploader_StateChanged;
            _massFileUploader.FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged += MassFileUploader_FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged;

            //_massFileUploader.Cancelled += MassFileUploader_Cancelled;
            //_massFileUploader.BusyStateChanged += MassFileUploader_BusyStateChanged;
            //_massFileUploader.FatalErrorOccurred += MassFileUploader_FatalErrorOccurred;
            _massFileUploader.LogEmitted -= MassFileUploader_LogEmitted;
            _massFileUploader.StateChanged -= MassFileUploader_StateChanged;
            _massFileUploader.FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged -= MassFileUploader_FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged;

            //_massFileUploader.Cancelled -= MassFileUploader_Cancelled;
            //_massFileUploader.BusyStateChanged -= MassFileUploader_BusyStateChanged;
            //_massFileUploader.FatalErrorOccurred -= MassFileUploader_FatalErrorOccurred;

    private void CleanupFileUploader()
        MassFileUploadProgressPercentage = 0;
        MassFileUploadAverageThroughputInKilobytes = 0;

        _massFileUploader = null;

    private void MassFileUploader_LogEmitted(object sender, LogEmittedEventArgs ea)
        Console.Error.WriteLine($"** {nameof(MassFileUploader_LogEmitted)} [category={ea.Category}, level={ea.Level}]: {ea.Message}");

    private void MassFileUploader_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs ea)
        MassFileUploaderStage = ea.NewState.ToString();

        switch (ea.NewState)
            case EFileUploaderState.Idle:
            case EFileUploaderState.Error:
                MassFileUploaderNumberOfFailuresToUploadCurrentFile += 1;
            case EFileUploaderState.Complete:
                MassFileUploaderNumberOfFilesUploadedSuccessfully += 1;

    private void MassFileUploader_FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChanged(object sender, FileUploadProgressPercentageAndDataThroughputChangedEventArgs ea)
        MassFileUploadProgressPercentage = ea.ProgressPercentage;
        MassFileUploadCurrentlyUploadedFile = Path.GetFileName(ea.RemoteFilePath);
        MassFileUploadAverageThroughputInKilobytes = ea.AverageThroughput;

📱 iOS

Same as in Android with the only difference being that the constructors change a bit:

_fileUploader = new Laerdal.McuMgr.FileUploader.FileUploader(desiredBluetoothDevice.CbPeripheral);
_firmwareEraser   = new Laerdal.McuMgr.FirmwareEraser.FirmwareEraser(desiredBluetoothDevice.CbPeripheral);
_firmwareUpgrader = new Laerdal.McuMgr.FirmwareInstaller.FirmwareInstaller(desiredBluetoothDevice.CbPeripheral);

_deviceResetter = new Laerdal.McuMgr.DeviceResetter.DeviceResetter(desiredBluetoothDevice.CbPeripheral);

💻 Windows / UWP

Not supported yet.

🏗 IDE Setup / Generating Builds on Local-dev

Note#1 There's an github-actions.yml file which you can use as a template to integrate the build in your github workflows. With said .yml the generated nugets will work on both Android and iOS.


Note#2 To build full-blown nugets that work both on iOS and Android you must use MacOS as your build-machine with XCode 14.3+ and JDK17 installed - have a look at the .yml file to see how you
can install java easily using 'brew'.


Note#3 If you build on Windows the build system will work but the generated nugets *will only work on Android with MAUI apps* but they will error out on iOS considering that the 'iOS part'
       of the build gets **skipped** in Windows quite simply because in Windows we cannot use tools like 'sharpie' and the 'iPhoneOS' SDK that comes with XCode.

To build the nugets from source follow these instructions:

1) Checkout

git   clone   git@github.com:Laerdal-Medical/Laerdal.McuMgr.git    mcumgr.mst

# or for develop

git   clone   git@github.com:Laerdal-Medical/Laerdal.McuMgr.git    --branch develop      mcumgr.dev

2) Make sure you have .Net7 and .Net-Framework 4.8+ installed on your machine along with the workloads for maui, android and ios

# cd into the root folder of the repo
WORKLOAD_VERSION=8.0.402                                 \
&&                                                       \
sudo    dotnet                                           \
             workload                                    \
             install                                     \
                 ios                                     \
                 android                                 \
                 maccatalyst                             \
                 maui                                    \
                 maui-ios                                \
                 maui-tizen                              \
                 maui-android                            \
                 maui-maccatalyst                        \
                 --version   "${WORKLOAD_VERSION}"       \
&&                                                       \
cd "Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.iOS"                         \
&&                                                       \
sudo    dotnet                                           \
             workload                                    \
             restore                                     \
             --version   "${WORKLOAD_VERSION}"           \
&&                                                       \
cd -                                                     \
&&                                                       \
cd "Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.MacCatalyst"                 \
&&                                                       \
sudo    dotnet                                           \
             workload                                    \
             restore                                     \
             --version   "${WORKLOAD_VERSION}"           \
&&                                                       \
cd -                                                     \
&&                                                       \
cd "Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.Android"                     \
&&                                                       \
sudo    dotnet                                           \
             workload                                    \
             restore                                     \
             --version   "${WORKLOAD_VERSION}"           \
&&                                                       \
cd -

# note   theoretically 'dotnet workload restore' on the root level should also do the trick but in practice it sometimes runs into problems

After running the above command running 'dotnet workload list' should print out something like this on Windows:

> dotnet workload list

Installed Workload Id      Manifest Version       Installation Source            
android                    34.0.113/8.0.100       SDK 8.0.300, VS 17.10.35027.167
aspire                     8.0.2/8.0.100          SDK 8.0.300, VS 17.10.35027.167
ios                        17.2.8078/8.0.100      SDK 8.0.300, VS 17.10.35027.167
maccatalyst                17.2.8078/8.0.100      SDK 8.0.300, VS 17.10.35027.167
maui                       8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300
maui-android               8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300
maui-ios                   8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300
maui-maccatalyst           8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300
maui-tizen                 8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300
maui-windows               8.0.61/8.0.100         SDK 8.0.300, VS 17.10.35027.167

3) Make sure that Java17 is installed on your machine along with Gradle 7.6 (Gradle 8.x or above will NOT work!)

4) Make sure you have installed Android SDKs starting from 31 up. You will need to install them using the Visual Studio installer. If you use Rider you will need to install them a second time using the Rider Android SDK manager too!

5) Set MSBuild version to ver.17

6) On Mac make sure to install XCode 14.3+ (if you have multiple XCodes installed then make SDK 14.3+ the default by running 'sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode_XYZ.app/Contents/Developer').

7) On Windows you will probably have to also enable in the OS (registry) 'Long Path Support' otherwise the build will most probably fail due to extremely long paths being involved during the build process.

8) Open 'Laerdal.McuMgr.sln' and build it.

You'll find the resulting nugets in the folder Artifacts/.

Note: For software development you might want to consider bumping the version of Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.* first and building just that project
and then bumping the package version of the package reference towards Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings inside Laerdal.McuMgr.csproj and then building said project.

If you don't follow these steps then any changes you make in Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings.* won't be picked up by Laerdal.McuMgr because it will still
use the cached nuget package of Laerdal.McuMgr.Bindings based on its current version.

To make this process a bit easier you can use the following script at the top level directory (on branches other than 'main' or 'develop' to keep yourself on the safe side):
# on macos *sh
dotnet                                              \
         msbuild                                    \
         Laerdal.Builder.targets                    \
         '"/m:1"'                                   \

# on windows powershell
& dotnet                                            ^
          msbuild                                   ^
          Laerdal.Builder.targets                   ^
          '"/m:1"'                                  ^

# Note: Make sure to +1 the 'x' number each time in the aforementioned scripts before running them.

Known issues


We welcome contributions to this project in the form of bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.

Lead Maintainers


Credits & Acknowledgements

Special thanks goes to: