

About wagtail-marketing-addons

An (opinionated) overview of all pages and their corresponding promotion settings.



When dealing with large amounts of pages the content editor experience differs from a marketeer's editor experience. A marketeer would more likely want to see what page options were set for SEO and SEA purposes. In this case it can be quite a burden to go through the page explorer, verifying whether the page title, SEO title and search description were set properly.


The SEO Listing within the wagtail-marketing-addons will show:

wagtail-marketing-addons screenshot

Things to consider

As stated this plugin contains an opinionated perspective on how you would handle your HTML rendering. With this use-case and solution we're assuming the following rationale on your page:

<title>{% if self.seo_title %}{{ self.seo_title }}{% else %}{{ self.title }}{% endif %} | Your Site</title>
<meta name="description" content="{% if self.search_description %}{{ self.search_description }}{% endif %}">

In this case your SEO title (when filled in) has a greater priority over the Page Title.


For more information on getting started, an overview of all available settings and the rationale behind the scoring mechanism please see our documentation on Read the Docs.

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