

DifFIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (Official Repository)

Table of Contents

1. Paper Overview


Modern face recognition (FR) models excel in constrained scenarios, but often suffer from decreased performance when deployed in unconstrained (real-world) environments due to uncertainties surrounding the quality of the captured facial data. Face image quality assessment (FIQA) techniques aim to mitigate these performance degradations by providing FR models with sample-quality predictions that can be used to reject low-quality samples and reduce false match errors. However, despite steady improvements, ensuring reliable quality estimates across facial images with diverse characteristics remains challenging. In this paper, we present a powerful new FIQA approach, named DifFIQA, which relies on denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) and ensures highly competitive results. The main idea behind the approach is to utilize the forward and backward processes of DDPMs to perturb facial images and quantify the impact of these perturbations on the corresponding image embeddings for quality prediction. Because the diffusion-based perturbations are computationally expensive, we also distill the knowledge encoded in DifFIQA into a regression-based quality predictor, called DifFIQA(R), that balances performance and execution time. We evaluate both models in comprehensive experiments on 7 diverse datasets, with 4 target FR models and against 10 state-of-the-art FIQA techniques with highly encouraging results

Idea and Overview

DifFIQA teaser image

High-level idea behind the proposed DifFIQA face image quality assessment (FIQA) approach. The quality of face images corresponds to a considerable degree to the stability of the respective representations in the embedding space of a given face recognition (FR) model. DifFIQA utilizes a diffusion framework to explore the embedding stability through image perturbations caused by the noising and denoising processes. The intuition behind this approach is that the forward (noising) $\mathcal{F}_d$ and backward (denoising) $\mathcal{B}_d$ diffusion processes lead to larger embedding perturbations for lower-quality images ($x^l$) compared to facial images of higher quality ($x^h$). By analyzing the impact of both the forward and backward processes on the representation of a given image, DifFIQA is able to infer the corresponding quality and/or generate (FR model specific) quality rankings, as shown on the right.

DifFIQA overview image

Overview of DifFIQA. The proposed quality assessment pipeline consists of two main parts: the Diffusion Process and the Quality-Score Calculation. The diffusion process uses an encoder-decoder UNet model ($D$), trained using an extended DDPM training scheme that helps to generate higher-quality (restored) images. The custom DDPM model is used in the Diffusion Process, which generates noisy $x_t$ and reconstructed $\hat{x}$ images using the forward and backward diffusion processes, respectively. To capture the effect of facial pose on the quality estimation procedure, the process is repeated with a horizontally flipped image $x^f$. The Quality Score Calculation part then produces and compares the embeddings of the original images and the images generated by the diffusion part.


DifFIQA overview image

Comparison to the state-of-the-art in the form of (non-interpolated) EDC curves. Results are presented for seven diverse datasets, four FR models and in comparison to ten recent FIQA competitors. Observe how the distilled model performs comparably to the non-distilled version, especially at low discard rates. DifFIQA and DifFIQA(R) most convincingly outperform the competitors on the most challenging IJB-C and XQLFW datasets.

DifFIQA overview image

Average performance over all seven test datasets and four FR models at a drop rate of $\mathbf{0.2}$. The results are reported in terms of average pAUC score at the FMR of $10^{-3}$. The proposed DifFIQA(R) approach is overall the best performer. The best result is colored green, the second-best blue and the third-best red.

DifFIQA overview image

Average performance over all seven test datasets and four FR models at a drop rate of $\mathbf{0.3}$. The results are reported in terms of average pAUC score at the FMR of $10^{-3}$. The proposed DifFIQA(R) approach is overall the best performer. The best result is colored green, the second-best blue and the third-best red.

DifFIQA overview image

Illustration of the quality scores produced by the proposed FIQA techniques. The scores on the top shows results for DifFIQA and the scores at the bottom for DifFIQA(R). While the concrete scores differ, both models generate similar rankings.

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3. Citation

If you find this repository useful, please cite the following paper:

  title={{DifFIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models}},
  author={Babnik, {\v{Z}}iga and Peer, Peter and {\v{S}}truc, Vitomir},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)},