

Build Status


An integer linear program solver using a Lagrange decomposition into binary decision diagrams. Lagrange multipliers are updated through min-marginal averaging (a form of dual block coordinate ascent). Sequential and parallel CPU solvers are provided as well as a massively parallel GPU implementation.


git clone https://github.com/LPMP/BDD

Then continue with creating a build folder and use cmake:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

If CUDA-solvers are to be built, set WITH_CUDA=ON in cmake and ensure CUDA is available (tested on CUDA 11.2, later versions should also work).

Command Line Usage

Given an input file ${input} in LP format, one can solve the problem via bdd_solver_cl ${config.json} where ${config.json} is a json configuration file.

It is structured as follows:

    "input": "${input file}",
    "variable order": "{input|bfs|minimum degree|cuthill}",
    "normalize constraints": "{true|false}",
    "precision": "{float|double}",
    "relaxation solver": "{sequential mma|parallel mma|cuda parallel mma|lbfgs parallel mma|cuda lbfgs parallel mma|subgradient}",
    "termination criteria": {
        "maximum iterations": ${integer},
        "improvement slope": ${real number},
        "minimum improvement": ${real number},
        "time limit": ${integer}
    "perturbation rounding": {
        "initial perturbation": ${real number},
        "perturbation growth rate": ${real number},
        "inner iterations": ${integer},
        "outer iterations": ${integer}

Python interface

All solvers are exposed to Python. To install Python solver do:

git clone git@github.com:LPMP/BDD.git
cd BDD
python setup.py install

To use Python solver only on CPU (e.g. GPU not available) replace last command by

WITH_CUDA=OFF python setup.py install

For running the solver via Python interface do:

from BDD.bdd_solver_py import bdd_solver as bdd_solver

solver = bdd_solver(input file)

For more information about setting-up the solver especially from Python see this guide. The python interface is exposed via bdd_solver_py.py and one example of use is in test_bdd_solver_py.py.

Learned solver (DOGE-Train)

Please navigate to DOGE sub-folder.


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