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Thunderdome is a gladitorial generational arena inspired by generational-arena, slotmap, and slab. It provides constant time insertion, lookup, and removal via small (8 byte) keys returned from Arena.

Thunderdome's key type, Index, is still 8 bytes when put inside of an Option<T> thanks to Rust's NonZero* types.

Basic Examples

let mut arena = Arena::new();

let foo = arena.insert("Foo");
let bar = arena.insert("Bar");

assert_eq!(arena[foo], "Foo");
assert_eq!(arena[bar], "Bar");

arena[bar] = "Replaced";
assert_eq!(arena[bar], "Replaced");

let foo_value = arena.remove(foo);
assert_eq!(foo_value, Some("Foo"));

// The slot previously used by foo will be reused for baz
let baz = arena.insert("Baz");
assert_eq!(arena[baz], "Baz");

// foo is no longer a valid key
assert_eq!(arena.get(foo), None);

Comparison With Similar Crates

Generational Indices¹YesYesYesNo
Max Elements2³²2⁶⁴2³²2⁶⁴
Non-Copy ValuesYesYesYesYes
no_std SupportYesYesYesNo
Serde SupportNoYesYesNo
  1. Generational indices help solve the ABA Problem, which can cause dangling keys to mistakenly access newly-inserted data.

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

Thunderdome supports Rust 1.47.0 and newer. Until Thunderdome reaches 1.0, changes to the MSRV will require major version bumps. After 1.0, MSRV changes will only require minor version bumps, but will need significant justification.

Crate Features


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