

<div align="center"> <h1> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LMMS/artwork/master/Icon%20%26%20Mimetypes/lmms-64x64.svg" alt="LMMS Logo"><br>LMMS </h1> <p>Cross-platform music production software</p> <p> <a href="https://lmms.io/">Website</a> ⦁︎ <a href="https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/releases">Releases</a> ⦁︎ <a href="https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/wiki">Developer wiki</a> ⦁︎ <a href="https://lmms.io/documentation">User manual</a> ⦁︎ <a href="https://lmms.io/showcase/">Showcase</a> ⦁︎ <a href="https://lmms.io/lsp/">Sharing platform</a> </p> <p> <a href="https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/actions/workflows/build.yml"><img src="https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg" alt="Build status"></a> <a href="https://lmms.io/download"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/LMMS/lmms.svg?maxAge=3600" alt="Latest stable release"></a> <a href="https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/releases"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/LMMS/lmms/total.svg?maxAge=3600" alt="Overall downloads on Github"></a> <a href="https://discord.gg/3sc5su7"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-on%20discord-7289DA.svg" alt="Join the chat at Discord"></a> <a href="https://www.transifex.com/lmms/lmms/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/localise-on_transifex-green.svg"></a> </p> </div>

What is LMMS?

LMMS is an open-source cross-platform digital audio workstation designed for music production. It includes an advanced Piano Roll, Beat Sequencer, Song Editor, and Mixer for composing, arranging, and mixing music. It comes with 15+ synthesizer plugins by default, along with VST(i) and SoundFont2 support.



See Compiling LMMS

Join LMMS-development

If you are interested in LMMS, its programming, artwork, testing, writing demo songs, (and improving this README...) or something like that, you're welcome to participate in the development of LMMS!

Information about what you can do and how can be found in the wiki.

Before coding a new big feature, please always file an issue for your idea and suggestions about your feature and about the intended implementation on GitHub, or ask in one of the tech channels on Discord and wait for replies! Maybe there are different ideas, improvements, or hints, or maybe your feature is not welcome/needed at the moment.