

Whole Cell Simulator

A whole cell model (WCM) is a comprehensive multi-scale computational model representing all the known biochemical processes in a cell. It relies on a variety of intracellular pathway models and omics data.

This computational framework enables seamless integration of diverse simulation methods used in WCM such as stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA), ordinary differential equations (ODE), flux balance analysis (FBA), and logic-based approaches. These methods run simultaneously, not only for whole pathways but also for subsets of reactions. Furthermore, we aim to enable switching dynamically between the methods when beneficial.

Current Requirements:

Getting started:

git clone https://github.com/llnl/wcs.git
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT:PATH=<PathToYourBoostDev> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<YourInstallPath> ../wcs
make install

Future requirements:

Optional requirements:

We currently rely on ExprTk to ingest problem inputs, and moving toward utilizing libSBML. Until the latter replaces the former, the former is used to parse the formula of the reaction rate annotated to each reaction vertex in the GraphML-formatted description of the reaction network. Without either, reaction rate simply computes as the multiplication of the counts of all the input species and the reaction coefficient. As the integraton of libSBML completes, it will no longer be optional. To enable one of the optional components, either set the environment variable WCS_WITH_SBML or WCS_WITH_EXPRTK, or invoke cmake with the option -DWCS_WITH_SBML:BOOL=ON or -DWCS_WITH_EXPRTK:BOOL=ON respectively for libSBML or ExprTk. To use a pre-installed libSBML, either set the environment variable SBML_ROOT or invoke cmake with the option -DSBML_ROOT=<path-to-libsbml>. For ExprTk, no pre-installation is required as it will automatically download it during the build if the presence is not detected. To use a pre-installed copy, use the variable EXPRTK_ROOT.

Unit testing:


Many thanks go to WCS's contributors.


Whole cell simulator is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. All new contributions must be made under this license. See LICENSE and NOTICE for details.


Please submit any bugfixes or feature improvements as pull requests.