

<!-- # FPChecker --> <img src="figures/logo_fpchecker.png" />

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FPChecker (Floating-Point Checker) is a dynamic analysis tool to detect floating-point errors in HPC applications. It is the only tool of its class that supports the most common programming languages and models in HPC, including C/C++, MPI, OpenMP, and CUDA. It is designed to be easy to use and easy to integrate into applications. The tool provides a detailed HTML report that helps users identify the exact location of floating-point errors in the software.


To see how to install and use FPChecker, visit: https://fpchecker.org/


Errors and Warnings

FPChecker detects the following floating-point issues:

How FPChecker Works

FPChecker is designed as an extension of the clang/LLVM compiler. When the application is compiled, an LLVM pass instruments the LLVM IR code after optimizations and inserts check code to all floating-point operations. The check code calls routines in the FPChecker runtime system, which detects several floating-point events (see above). When the code execution ends, traces are saved in the current directory. These traces are then used to build a detailed report of the location of the detected events.


For questions, contact Ignacio Laguna ilaguna@llnl.gov.

To cite FPChecker please use

Laguna, Ignacio. "FPChecker: Detecting Floating-point Exceptions in GPU Applications."
In 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 
pp. 1126-1129. IEEE, 2019.


FPChecker is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).

All new contributions must be made under the Apache-2.0 license.

See LICENSE and NOTICE for details.
