

Adiak: Recording HPC Run Metadata

Adiak is a library for collecting metadata from HPC application runs, and distributing that metadata to subscriber tools. Examples of Adiak metadata are:

This metadata is provided as name/value pairs. For application-provided data, an example name might be "peak_velocity" and and have a value of 5.6. For other data, such as what user ran the code, there are adiak-managed standard names like "username".

Adiak has a tool interface, which allows tools to subscribe to this metadata. Example tools might include performance analysis tools, workflow tracking tools, or anything else that needs this metadata. Tools can iterate receive metadata name/values as they are provided by the application, or examine existing metadata values.


More information can be found in https://llnl.github.io/Adiak/.


Contributions to Adiak are welcome, and should be made under the MIT license. Please submit pull requests to the github repository.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
