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LINSTOR Gateway manages highly available iSCSI targets, NFS exports, and NVMe-oF targets by leveraging LINSTOR and drbd-reactor.

Getting Started

For a step-by-step tutorial on setting up a LINSTOR Gateway cluster, refer to this blog post: Create a Highly Available iSCSI Target Using LINSTOR Gateway.


LINSTOR Gateway provides a built-in health check that automatically tests whether all requirements are correctly met on the current host.

Simply execute

linstor-gateway check-health

and follow any suggestions that may come up.


If you want to learn more about LINSTOR Gateway, here are some pointers for further reading.

Command Line

Help for the command line interface is available by running:

linstor-gateway help

The same information can also be browsed in Markdown format here.


LINSTOR Gateway takes a configuration file. See its documentation here.


The LINSTOR Gateway command line client communicates with the server by using a REST API, which is documented here.

It also exposes a Go client for the REST API: <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/LINBIT/linstor-gateway/client"><img src="https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/LINBIT/linstor-gateway/client.svg" alt="Go Reference"></a>


If you want to test the latest unstable version of LINSTOR Gateway, you can build the git version from sources:

git clone https://github.com/LINBIT/linstor-gateway
cd linstor-gateway