


Authors: Kyung-Min Kim, Min-Oh Heo, Seong-Ho Choi, and Byoung-Tak Zhang (Seoul National University & Surromind Robotics)
Paper1: DeepStory: Video Story QA by Deep Embedded Memory Networks (https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.00836) (IJCAI 2017)
Paper2: PororoQA: A Cartoon Video Series Dataset for Story Understanding (NIPS 2016 Workshop on Large Scale Computer Vision System, 2016)

Download Video Clips

You can download the whole Pororo video clips with this URL.
If this link doesn't work, please email me kyungmin.kim.ml@navercorp.com

Why cartoon video seires?

Characteristic of “Pororo”, children's cartoon video series

Data Statistics - QAs

Data Statistics – Scene Descriptions