


npm version

A component for UIVisualEffectView's blur and vibrancy effect on iOS, and BlurView on Android.<br>

<img src='https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/139536/25066337/3c9d44c0-224d-11e7-8ca6-028478bf4a7d.gif' />

Current Maintainers:



yarn add @react-native-community/blur

Install native dependencies (iOS only):

cd ios && pod install



PropertyPossible ValuesDefaultPlatform
blurTypeSee blurType below-All
blurAmount0 - 100 (The maximum blurAmount on Android is 32, so higher values will be clamped to 32)10All
reducedTransparencyFallbackColorAny color-iOS only
blurRadius0 - 25Matches iOS blurAmountAndroid only
downsampleFactor0 - 25Matches iOS blurAmountAndroid only
overlayColorAny colorDefault color based on iOS blurTypeAndroid only


xlightextra light blur type
lightlight blur type
darkdark blur type
extraDarkextra dark blur type (tvOS only)
regularregular blur type (iOS 10+ and tvOS only)
prominentprominent blur type (iOS 10+ and tvOS only)

blurType (iOS 13 only)

chromeMaterialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of the system chrome.
materialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of a material with normal thickness.
thickMaterialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of a material that is thicker than normal.
chromeMaterialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of the system chrome.
thinMaterialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of an ultra-thin material.
ultraThinMaterialAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of an ultra-thin material.
chromeMaterialDarkA blur effect that creates the appearance of an ultra-thin material and is always dark.
materialDarkA blur effect that creates the appearance of a thin material and is always dark.
thickMaterialDarkA blur effect that creates the appearance of a material with normal thickness and is always dark.
thinMaterialDarkA blur effect that creates the appearance of a material that is thicker than normal and is always dark.
ultraThinMaterialDarkA blur effect that creates the appearance of the system chrome and is always dark.
chromeMaterialLightAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of the system chrome.
materialLightAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of a material with normal thickness.
thickMaterialLightAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of a material that is thicker than normal.
thinMaterialLightAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of a thin material.
ultraThinMaterialLightAn adaptable blur effect that creates the appearance of an ultra-thin material.

Complete usage example that works on iOS and Android:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { View, Image, Text, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import { BlurView } from "@react-native-community/blur";

export default function Menu() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        source={{ uri }}
      <Text style={styles.absolute}>Hi, I am some blurred text</Text>
      {/* in terms of positioning and zIndex-ing everything before the BlurView will be blurred */}
      <Text>I'm the non blurred text because I got rendered on top of the BlurView</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center"
  absolute: {
    position: "absolute",
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0

In this example, the Image component will be blurred, because the BlurView in positioned on top. But the Text will stay unblurred.

If the accessibility setting Reduce Transparency is enabled the BlurView will use reducedTransparencyFallbackColor as it's background color rather than blurring. If no reducedTransparencyFallbackColor is provided, theBlurViewwill use the default fallback color (white, black, or grey depending on blurType)


Uses the same properties as BlurView (blurType, blurAmount, and reducedTransparencyFallbackColor).

The vibrancy effect lets the content underneath a blurred view show through more vibrantly

VibrancyView is only supported on iOS. Also note that the VibrancyView must contain nested views

import { VibrancyView } from "@react-native-community/blur";

export default function Menu() {
  return (
    <Image source={{ uri }} style={styles.absolute}>
      <VibrancyView blurType="light" style={styles.flex}>
      <Text>Hi, I am some vibrant text.</Text>

Example React Native App

This project includes an example React Native app, which was used to make the GIF in this README. You can run the apps by following these steps:

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-blur.git

Install dependencies


Run the app

yarn example android/ios


Feel free to create an issue