

Hyperledger Fabric Client utils npm version

This repository consists out of a set of utility functions which can be used to interact with chaincode on a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.

  1. Supported Hyperledger Fabric versions
  2. API
  3. Run tests

Supported Hyperledger Fabric versions

This library has only been tested against the v1.3.0 version of Hyperledger.



Utility function to create an instance of a fabric client.

const {createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');

 * The hfc-key-story path
 * Contains public / private keys of the users
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);


A wrapper around the query and invoke logic. Allows you to easily setup a service with default values for a peer, orderer and channel id.

const {baseService} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');

const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';

const service = baseService(
    (query, invoke) => {
        return {
            createCar: (userId, {
                id, make, model, color, owner
            }) => {
                return invoke({
                    chaincode: {
                        fcn: 'createCar',
                        args: [id, make, model, color, owner]
            queryCar: (userId, id) => {
                return query({
                    chaincode: {
                        fcn: 'queryCar',
                        args: [id]
        channelId: 'defaultchannel',
        peers: [{
            url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
             * The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
            broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
             * Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
            adminUserId: 'admin'
             * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
            certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/peers/peer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.peer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
             * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
            certOptions: {
                'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"
        orderer: {
            url: 'grpc://localhost:7050',
             * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
            certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/orderers/orderer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.orderer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
             * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
            certOptions: {
                'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"

await service.createCar('user-1', {
    id: 'CAR1000',
    color: 'Black',
    make: 'Porsche',
    model: 'Cayenne',
    owner: 'Ronny'

const newCar = await service.queryCar('user-1', 'CAR1000');


Query the chaincode on the network.

const {query, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');

const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';

 * Always create a new instance of the fabric client when executing a query
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);

const result = await query({
    channelId: 'defaultchannel',
    chaincode: {
         * Id
        id: 'fabcar1',
         * Function
        fcn: 'queryCar',
         * Arguments
         * Can be of any type, internally everything will be converted to a string
        args: ['CAR0']
    peer: {
        url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
         * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/peers/peer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.peer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
         * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certOptions: {
            'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"
     * User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
    userId: 'user-1'


Invoke chaincode on the network (create a new block).

const {invoke, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');

const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';

 * Always create a new instance of the fabric client when executing an invoke
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);

const result = await invoke({
    channelId: 'defaultchannel',
    chaincode: {
         * Id
        id: 'fabcar1',
         * Function
        fcn: 'createCar',
         * Arguments
         * Can be of any type, internally everything will be converted to a string
        args: ['CAR1000', 'Porsche', 'Cayenne', 'Black', 'Ronny']
    peer: {
        url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
         * The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
        broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
         * Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
        adminUserId: 'admin'
         * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/peers/peer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.peer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
         * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certOptions: {
            'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"
    orderer: {
        url: 'grpc://localhost:7050',
         * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/orderers/orderer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.orderer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
         * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certOptions: {
            'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"
     * User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
    userId: 'user-1',
     * [optional = defaults to 30s] Maximum time to wait before an invoke is fully processed / persisted on the blockchain
    maxTimeout: 30000


Listen to events on the network

const {registerChaincodeEventListener, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');

const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';

 * Always create a new instance of the fabric client when creating an event listener
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);

const eventListener = await registerChaincodeEventListener({
    chaincode: 'fabcar1',
    channelId: 'defaultchannel',
    peer: {
        url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
         * The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
        broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
         * Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
        adminUserId: 'admin'
         * Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/org1.example.be/peers/peer.org1.example.be/tlsca.combined.peer.org1.example.be-cert.pem',
         * Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
        certOptions: {
            'ssl-target-name-override': "peer.org1.example.be"
     * User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
    userId: 'user-1',
     * Event id to listen to
    eventId: 'event-id',
     * Callback when the event is triggered. Returns the event id and a payload which has the event data.
    onEvent: (eventId, payload) => {
        console.log(eventId, payload);
     * Called when the listener gets disconnected
    onDisconnect: (error, eventId) => {
        console.log('Listener disconnected due to an error', error, eventId);
     * Optional - Max retries to connect the event hub, when not set it retries indefinitely
    maxReconnects: 5,
     * Optional - The starting block number for event checking
    fullBlock: true,
    startBlock: 1,
     * Optional - The ending block number for event checking.
    endBlock: 5,
     * Optional - This options setting indicates the registration should be removed (unregister) when the event is seen. 
    unregister: true,
     * Optional - This option setting Indicates to the ChannelEventHub instance to 
     * automatically disconnect itself from the peer's channel event service once the event has been seen.
    disconnect: true,

// Stop listening for events

Run tests

  1. Make sure you have installed Docker and Python
  2. Make sure you have added the path of the repo to the Docker file sharing preferences
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run start-dev-network and wait for all chaincode to be instantiated
  5. Open a new terminal and run npm test (to run in watch mode use npm run test-watch)