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A Blazor wrapper for the Window interface from the HTML Specification. This interface standardizes methods for controlling the global object used in browser windows called Window. This project implements a wrapper around the interface and its types for Blazor so that we can easily and safely work with all the methods, attributes, and events surfaced in the Window interface.

These functionalities are vast, and we do not wish to support them all, as some of them are of little use or work against the principles of Blazor. Here, I have made a high-level list of the different functionalities that the Window interface supplies and marked which this wrapper will cover.

This wrapper is still under development.


The sample project can be demoed at https://kristofferstrube.github.io/Blazor.Window/

On each page, you can find the corresponding code for the example in the top right corner.

On the API Coverage Status page, you can see how much of the WebIDL specs this wrapper has covered.

Related repositories

The library uses the following other packages to support its features:

Related articles

This repository was built with inspiration and help from the following series of articles: