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Kratos CoSimulationApplication
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The CoSimIO is a small library for interprocess communication in CoSimulation contexts. It is designed for exchanging data between different solvers or other software-tools. For performing coupled simulations it is used in combination with the CoSimulationApplication.
It is implemented as a detached interface. This means that it follows the interface of Kratos but is independent of Kratos, which allows for an easy integration into other codes / solvers

The implementation is defined in co_sim_io

Documentation and tutorials can be found here

Different methods for interprocess communication are available, their documentation can be found here

The tests are contained in tests

The changelog contains information about relevant changes in the different versions.


Available languages

Besides the native C++ interface, the CoSimIO also provides interfaces to other languages. Currently the following languages are supported:

These interfaces are implemented as consistent as possible with the C++ interface.


This section provides a brief overview on how to use the CoSimIO. For more detailed explanations please check the documentation in the corresponding language.


The C++ interface is defined in co_sim_io.hpp. In addition to including this header it is required to compile CoSimIO into a shared library and link against it.


The C interface is defined in co_sim_io_c.h. In addition to including this header it is required to compile CoSimIO into a shared library and link against it.


The Python interface is defined in CoSimIO python module. The pybind library is used for the Python exposure of the C++ interface.


The CoSimIO supports pure sequential and mpi-parallel executions. Shared memory parallelism is currently not planned but might be added at a later stage.

Memory Management

Coupling requires frequent exchange of data. Therefore the CoSimIO uses the memory provided by the including solvers/software-tools directly, without copying it to an auxiliar data structure.

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