

ModWaveMLP: MLP-Based Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Denoising Model to Defeat Complex Structures in Traffic Forecasting

Code for our paper: "[ ModWaveMLP: MLP-based Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Denoising Model to Defeat Complex Structures in Traffic Forecasting]".

Results Update

Because of the deviation of the experimental results by referring to the work of previous researchers, the results are updated as follows:

Dataset3steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE6steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE12steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE
METR-LA2.68, 7.06%, 5.272.99, 8.41%, 6.223.38, 9.82%, 7.13
PEMS-BAY1.30, 2.82%, 2.791.59, 3.68%, 3.721.89, 4.47%, 4.38

Specially, we also improve the model structure without relying on the wavelet transform, and the improved results are as follows:

Dataset3steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE6steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE12steps@MAE, @MAPE, @RMSE
METR-LA2.70, 7.11%, 5.303.03, 8.44%, 6.243.40, 9.88%, 7.24
PEMS-BAY1.32, 2.86%, 2.831.63, 3.74%, 3.771.91, 4.54%, 4.44

We are still trying out some new ideas and the experimental results will be kept up to date, so if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via this email (kenianqingzheng@qq.com) and we look forward to talking with you!

Further reflections

Wavelet Decomposition Reconstruction with Sequences

Future work you can do about ModWaveMLP

1. Table of Contents

data            ->  metr-la and pems-bay raw data and processed data
Datasets        ->  dataset preprocessing code
Model           ->  model implementation 

2. Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Data Preparation

Alterbatively, the datasets can be found as follows:

4. Training the ModWaveMLP Model

The hyperparameters of ModWaveMLP can be changed in the Parameters.py

python run_MoDWaveMLP.py --dataset metr-la --horizon 12 --history_length 12
python run_MoDWaveMLP.py --dataset pems-bay --horizon 12 --history_length 12