


Nodes related to video workflows

I/O Nodes

Load Video

Converts a video file into a series of images

Load Image Sequence

Loads all image files from a subfolder. Options are similar to Load Video.

A path variant of Load Image sequence also exists.

Video Combine

Combines a series of images into an output video
If the optional audio input is provided, it will also be combined into the output video

Depending on the format chosen, additional options may become available, including

Load Audio

Provides a way to load standalone audio files.

Latent/Image Nodes

A number of utility nodes exist for managing latents. For each, there is an equivalent node which works on images.

Split Batch

Divides the latents into two sets. The first split_index latents go to ouput A and the remainder to output B. If less then split_index latents are provided as input, all are passed to output A and output B is empty.

Merge Batch

Combines two groups of latents into a single output. The order of the output is the latents in A followed by the latents in B.
If the input groups are not the same size, the node provides options for rescaling the latents before merging.

Select Every Nth

The first of every select_every_nth input is passed and the remainder are discarded

Get Count

Duplicate Batch

Video Previews

Load Video (Upload), Load Video (Path), Load Images (Upload), Load Images (Path) and Video Combine provide animated previews.
Nodes with previews provide additional functionality when right clicked

Advanced Previews

Advanced Previews must be manually enabled by clicking the settings gear next to Queue Prompt and checking the box for VHS Advanced Previews.
If enabled, videos which are displayed in the ui will be converted with ffmpeg on request. This has several benefits

This fucntionality is disabled since it comes with several downsides

Video Formats

Those familiar with ffmpeg are able to add json files to the video_formats folders to add new output types to Video Combine. Consider the following example for av1-webm

        "-n", "-c:v", "libsvtav1",
        "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p10le",
        "-crf", ["crf","INT", {"default": 23, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}]
    "audio_pass": ["-c:a", "libopus"],
     "extension": "webm",
     "environment": {"SVT_LOG": "1"}

Most configuration takes place in main_pass, which is a list of arguments that are passed to ffmpeg.

audio pass contains a list of arguments which are passed to ffmpeg when audio is passed into Video Combine

extension designates both the file extension and the container format that is used. If some of the above options are omitted from main_pass it can affect what default options are chosen.
environment can optionally be provided to set environment variables during execution. For av1 it's used to reduce the verbosity of logging so that only major errors are displayed.
input_color_depth effects the format in which pixels are passed to the ffmpeg subprocess. Current valid options are 8bit and 16bit. The later will produce higher quality output, but is experimental.

Fields can be exposed in the webui as a widget using a format similar to what is used in the creation of custom nodes. In the above example, the argument for -crf will be exposed as a format widget in the webui. Format widgets are a list of up to 3 terms