


To use it, you can simply copy RateMeMaybe.java and RateMeMaybeFragment.java into your project.

Example usage in your (Sherlock)FragmentActivity:

RateMeMaybe rmm = new RateMeMaybe(this);
rmm.setPromptMinimums(10, 14, 10, 30);

// More customized example
RateMeMaybe rmm = new RateMeMaybe(this);
rmm.setPromptMinimums(10, 14, 10, 30);
rmm.setDialogMessage("You really seem to like this app, "
				+"since you have already used it %totalLaunchCount% times! "
				+"It would be great if you took a moment to rate it.");
rmm.setDialogTitle("Rate this app");


	 * Sets requirements for when to prompt the user.
	 * @param minLaunchesUntilInitialPrompt
	 *            Minimum of launches before the user is prompted for the first
	 *            time. One call of .run() counts as launch.
	 * @param minDaysUntilInitialPrompt
	 *            Minimum of days before the user is prompted for the first
	 *            time.
	 * @param minLaunchesUntilNextPrompt
	 *            Minimum of launches before the user is prompted for each next
	 *            time. One call of .run() counts as launch.
	 * @param minDaysUntilNextPrompt
	 *            Minimum of days before the user is prompted for each next
	 *            time.
	public void setPromptMinimums(int minLaunchesUntilInitialPrompt,
			int minDaysUntilInitialPrompt, int minLaunchesUntilNextPrompt,
			int minDaysUntilNextPrompt)
	 * Sets the title of the dialog shown to the user
	 * @param dialogTitle
	public void setDialogTitle(String dialogTitle)

	 * Sets the message shown to the user. %totalLaunchCount% will be replaced
	 * with total launch count.
	 * @param dialogMessage
	 *            The message shown
	public void setDialogMessage(String dialogMessage)

	 * Sets name of button that opens Play Store entry
	 * @param positiveBtn
	public void setPositiveBtn(String positiveBtn)

	 * Sets name of neutral button
	 * @param neutralBtn
	public void setNeutralBtn(String neutralBtn)

	 * Sets name of button that makes the prompt never show again
	 * @param negativeBtn
	public void setNegativeBtn(String negativeBtn)

	 * @param customIcon
	 *            Drawable id of custom icon
	public void setIcon(int customIcon)

	 * @param handleCancelAsNeutral
	 *            Standard is true. If set to false, a back press (or other
	 *            things that lead to the dialog being cancelled), will be
	 *            handled like a negative choice (click on "Never").
	public void setHandleCancelAsNeutral(Boolean handleCancelAsNeutral)
	 * Sets an additional callback for when the user has made a choice.
	 * @param listener
	public void setAdditionalListener(OnRMMUserChoiceListener listener)
	 * Standard is false. Whether the run method is executed even if no Play
	 * Store is installed on device.
	 * @param runWithoutPlayStore
	public void setRunWithoutPlayStore(Boolean runWithoutPlayStore)

	 * Reset the launch logs
	public static void resetData(FragmentActivity activity)

	 * Forces the dialog to show, even if the requirements are not yet met. Does
	 * not affect prompt logs. Use with care.
	public void forceShow()