

DECIMER V1.0 is now available, Please check our new repository DECIMER-Image_Transformer !!



The repository contains the network and the related scripts for encoder-decoder based Chemical Image Recognition

The project contains code which was written throughout the project (Continuously updated)

Top-level directory layout

  ├── Network/                           # Main model and evaluator scripts
  +   ├ ─ Trainer_Image2Smiles.py     # Main training script - further could be modified for training
  +   ├ ─ I2S_Data.py                 # Data reader module for training
  +   ├ ─ I2S_Model.py                # Autoencoder network
  +   ├ ─ Evaluate.py                 # To Load trained model and evaluate an image (Predicts SMILES)
  +   └ ─ I2S_evalData.py             # To load the tokenizer and the images for evaluation
  ├── Utils/                              # Utilities used to generate the text data
  +   ├ ─ Deepsmiles_Encoder.py        # Used for encoding SMILES to DeepSMILES
  +   ├ ─ Deepsmiles_Decoder.py        # Used for decoding DeepSMILES to SMILES
  +   ├ ─ Smilesto_selfies.py          # Used for encoding SMILES to SELFIES
  +   ├ ─ Smilesto_selfies.py          # Used for encoding SELFIES to SMILES
  +   └ ─ Tanimoto_Calculator_Rdkit.py  # Calculates Tanimoto similarity on Original VS Predicted SMILES
  ├── Python_Requirements                 # Python requirements needed to run the scripts without error
  └── README.md

Installation of required dependencies:

Installation of TensorFlow


How to set up the directories:

Recommended layout of the directory

 ├── Image2SMILES/
 +   ├ ─ checkpoints/
 +   ├ ─ Trainer_Image2Smiles.py    
 +   ├ ─ I2S_Data.py                 
 +   ├ ─ I2S_Model.py                
 +   ├ ─ Evaluate.py                 
 +   └ ─ I2S_evalData.py            
 ├── Data/
 +   ├ ─ Train_Images/
 +   └ ─ DeepSMILES.txt
 └── Predictions/
     └ ─ Utils/

How to generate data and train Image2SMILES:

Training Image2SMILES

$ python3 Image2SMILES.py &> log.txt &

Note: Training the model yourself is straightforward, but for reference please check DECIMER V1.0 repository

Predicting using the trained model



abstract = {The automatic recognition of chemical structure diagrams from the literature is an indispensable component of workflows to re-discover information about chemicals and to make it available in open-access databases. Here we report preliminary findings in our development of Deep lEarning for Chemical ImagE Recognition (DECIMER), a deep learning method based on existing show-and-tell deep neural networks, which makes very few assumptions about the structure of the underlying problem. It translates a bitmap image of a molecule, as found in publications, into a SMILES. The training state reported here does not yet rival the performance of existing traditional approaches, but we present evidence that our method will reach a comparable detection power with sufficient training time. Training success of DECIMER depends on the input data representation: DeepSMILES are superior over SMILES and we have a preliminary indication that the recently reported SELFIES outperform DeepSMILES. An extrapolation of our results towards larger training data sizes suggests that we might be able to achieve near-accurate prediction with 50 to 100 million training structures. This work is entirely based on open-source software and open data and is available to the general public for any purpose.},
author = {Rajan, Kohulan and Zielesny, Achim and Steinbeck, Christoph},
doi = {10.1186/s13321-020-00469-w},
issn = {1758-2946},
journal = {Journal of Cheminformatics},
month = {dec},
number = {1},
pages = {65},
title = {{DECIMER: towards deep learning for chemical image recognition}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-020-00469-w https://jcheminf.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13321-020-00469-w},
volume = {12},
year = {2020}


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