

libLLVM Build Status feedz.io

Continuous builds of LLVM for various platforms, packaged for consumption in .NET.

Supported LLVM versions

Supported platforms

Adding libLLVM to your .NET project

Builds from the master branch are published as a cross-platform NuGet package on feedz.io.

Add the feedz.io NuGet feed to a nuget.conf file in your project:

<add key="libllvm.feedz.io" value="https://f.feedz.io/kodraus/libllvm/nuget" />

Add libLLVM as a package reference to your csproj:

<PackageReference Include="libLLVM" Version="6.0.0-*" />

Building locally

A local platform-specific package can be made by calling build.ps1. The resulting llvm-pkg folder can be used as a local NuGet feed.

Local builds require .NET Core, PowerShell, cmake, and a native toolchain (MSVC on Windows, Clang on OSX, GCC on Linux).