


A cookiecutter template for KG generation.

Getting started

First, install the cruft package. Cruft enables keeping projects up-to-date with future updates made to this original template.

pip install cruft

Next, create a project using the sphintoxetry-cookiecutter template.

cruft create https://github.com/Knowledge-Graph-Hub/kg-cookiecutter

This kickstarts an interactive session where you declare the following:

:warning: Do NOT enter actual token here, this is just the variable name that holds the token value in the project repository's Secrets.

This will generate the project folder abiding by the template configuration specified by kg-cookiecutter in the cookiecutter.json file.

What does this do?

The following files and directories are autogenerated in the project:

Further setup

Install poetry

Install poetry if you haven't already.

pip install poetry

Install dependencies

poetry install

Add poetry-dynamic-versioning as a plugin

poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"

Note: If you are using a Linux system and the above doesn't work giving you the following error Invalid PEP 440 version: ..., you could alternatively run:

poetry add poetry-dynamic-versioning

Run tox to see if the setup works

poetry run tox

This should run all the bullets mentioned above under the tox configuration and ideally you should see the following at the end of the run:

  coverage-clean: commands succeeded
  lint: commands succeeded
  flake8: commands succeeded
  mypy: commands succeeded
  docstr-coverage: commands succeeded
  py: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

And as the last line says: congratulations :)!! Your project is ready to evolve!

Final test to see everything is wired properly

To download resources:

kg download

By default, this will read from download.yaml and save downloaded data to data/raw.

To transform downloaded resources:

kg transform

By default, this will run all transforms defined in transform.py and save results to data/transformed. Use -s option with a transform name to run just one, e.g., kg transform -s EnvoTransform.

To build the merged graph:

kg merge

By default, this will merge all inputs defined in merge.py and save results to data/merged. All three commands should work properly. They basically download transform and merge the ENVO and HP ontologies and the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) dataset.

kg-chat (optional package)

The cookiecutter also includes kg-chat as an optional dependency and all CLI commands run the same.


To install kg-chat package and its dependencies run:

poetry install -E chat

The first step is to locate the directory containing KGX nodes and edges tsv file (say data/).

Then, import the nodes and edges file from this data directory:

kg import --data-dir data

The file names should be named nodes.tsv and edges.tsv. (We may make it flexible in the future)

You are all set!!!

To query the graph using the interactive chat tool using:

kg chat --data-dir data

or you could launch an app locally:

kg app --data-dir data

For more information about kg-chat commands, please refer the documentation