

#koGrid : A Knockout DataGrid#


KoGrid Team:

License: MIT

Dependencies: jQuery & Knockout

##About## koGrid is a direct knockout port of ng-grid which was originally inspired by koGrid, which was inspired by SlickGrid. I know, right?

koGrid is in 2.1.1 release currently.

Questions, Comments, Complaints? feel free to email us at kogridteam@gmail.com

The sizzle:

<div data-bind="koGrid: { data: myObservableArray }"></div>
var vm = {
  myObservableArray: ko.observableArray(/* array of any complex obects */)


##Want More?## Check out the Getting Started and other Docs

##Examples## http://knockout-contrib.github.io/KoGrid/#/examples also check out the new Custom Cell Template Library ##Change Log##