

trame: simple, powerful, innovative

Trame is an easy-to-use, Python-based framework that let you create desktop like application which shows up in your web browser. You can create buttons, dialogs, 3D scenes with VTK/ParaView, charts, maps and much more.

It is great for any micro apps, dashboards, or even replacing a PyQt app into a web app. You can also use it in development, for example when tweaking/configuring 3D rendering, machine learning and more.

At the end your app can be used locally, remotely, in the cloud, in Jupyter or on HPC.

Trame is available as a PyPI package, on conda-forge and we provide docker images for cloud deployment.

If you need help don't hesitate to reach out

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trame - a web framework that weaves together open source components into customized visual analytics easily.

trame is French for

Welcome to trame and 3D visualization

With trame, create stunning, interactive web applications compactly and intuitively.

<div> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kitware/trame/master/docs/vitepress/assets/images/examples/CarotidFlow.jpg" style="width: 30%"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kitware/trame/master/docs/vitepress/assets/images/examples/UberPickupsNYC.jpg" style="width: 30%"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kitware/trame/master/docs/vitepress/assets/images/examples/FiniteElementAnalysis.jpg" style="width: 30%"> </div>

3D Visualization

With best-in-class VTK and ParaView platforms at its core, trame provides complete control of 3D visualizations and data movements. Developers benefit from a write-once environment while trame simply exposes both local and remote rendering through a single method.

Rich Features

trame leverages existing libraries and tools such as Vuetify, Altair, Vega, deck.gl, VTK, ParaView, and more, to create vivid content for visual analytics applications.

Problem Focused

By relying simply on Python, trame focuses on one's data and associated analysis and visualizations while hiding the complications of web app development.

Desktop to cloud

The resulting trame applications can act as local desktop applications or remote cloud applications both accessed through a browser.


trame can be installed with pip:

pip install --upgrade trame


The Trame Tutorial is the place to go to learn how to use the library and start building your own application.

The API Reference documentation provides API-level documentation.


trame is made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more details, see LICENSE


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Optional dependencies

When installing trame using pip (pip install trame) you will get the core infrastructure for any trame application to work but more advanced usage may require additional dependencies. The list below captures what may need to add depending on your usage:

Environments variables

Life cycle callbacks

Life cycle events are directly managed on the application controller and are prefixed with on_*.

Reserved state entries

The shared state allow us to synchronize the server with the client. Rather than creating another mechanism to handle similar needs throughout the application we purposely reuse that state internally. To prevent any conflict with any user we are prefixing our internal variable with trame__*. In general those state values should not be use or changed by the user except for the one listed below:



Professional Support

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