

<img src="http://www.viametoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/viami_logo.png" alt="VIAME Logo" width="200" height="78">

DIVE is a web interface for performing data management, video annotation, and running a portion of the algorithms stored within the VIAME repository. When compiled, docker instances for DIVE can be run either as local servers or online in web services. A sample instance of DIVE is running on a public server at viame.kitware.com.




Technologies Used

DIVE uses Girder for data management and has a typical girder + girder worker + docker architecture. See docker scripts for additional details.

Example Data


DIVE takes two different kinds of input data, either a video file (e.g. .mpg) or an image sequence. Both types can be optionally accompanied with a CSV file containing video annotations. Example input sequences are available at https://viame.kitware.com/girder#collections.


When running an algorithmic pipelines or performing manual video annotation (and saving the annotations with the save button) output CSV files are produced containing output detections. Simultaneously a detection plot of results is shown underneath each video sequence.